Hello eberbody, We is going away this weekend to celebrate Mommy's Heinz 57. We is going to a lovely cabin in tha mountains. This is a picture of tha cabin from tha internet. We is lucky cause it is dog friendly and me and Bugs is friendly dogs so it should be a good fit. We'll have lots of stories to tell me is sure. Although me isn't real sure why Bugs is even getting to go!
That silly ole Bugs really and truly did it this time. Hims got Mommy's good glasses in hims sights and destroyed them. Actually it was hims mouth that destroyed the glasses. He's couldn't figger out how to get thems out of hims mouth and onto hims nose so hims could read the piece of mail hims took off tha counter. Hims said hims was sure there was a letter for him on tha counter but that hims couldn't read tha name so hims needed Mommy's glasses to be sure. Me told that silly puppy that eben with glasses hims couldn't read but hims insisted and you see what happened. Now Mommy has to go get new good glasses but hers wasn't real mad. Hers said this would just make her do what needed to be done a while a go. Humans sure are hard to figger out. Me was sure Bugs was going to get into BIG trouble over that one.
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