Me and Bugs knows what it means when we hears the term "the dog days of summer"!!
Mommy and Daddy tooked us camping again last weekend to the Boyd Lake State Park in tha house on wheels. It was soooooooooo hot me and Bugs wanted to spend the whole camping trip in tha house on wheels cause there was air conditioning. Being "House Dogs First Class" we is not used to being in that kind of heat.
Mommy and Daddy didn't like it either. Thems decided tha bestest thing to do was stay inside the air conditioning during tha hottest part of tha day. Of course with all of us in that house on wheels tha air conditioning got used up quickly but it was better than being outside in all of that heat that's for sure.
The good thing was that Bugs learned how much fun it was to play in tha lake. We had little tiny waves coming into tha shore to bite at and Bugs was pretending hims was a Kangaroo and hopping way up in the air as hims was playing in tha water. We even went out as far as our chests. Mommy was a little worried we would go to far and her would have to try to rescue us.
Mommy was concerned for a little black dog who was at tha campground. Hims owners lefted him in a little hard sided crate all day while thems was gone somewheres. Hers wanted to give him some water but hims wasn't very friendly and growled and barked at her. Me thinks hims was just scared and thirsty and didn't know our Mommy wanted to help him. Mommy worried and worried and would go check on him to make sure hims was okay and try to make friends with him but hims wasn't having none of it. Mommy was afraid her might get bit trying to help him so all hers could do was keep an eye on him and make sure hims wasn't in distress. Hims peoples finally came home about 10:00 at night. Me sure is glad me and Bugs has such wonderful humans to take care of us.
We did learn something from this whole camping trip, it's way to hot to camping in July in the lower country of Colorado. We're going to wait to go back there late in tha fall, it'll be lots cooler, less people and more fun.
Oh yeah, and Mommy brought home a nice wicker dog basket for me and Bugs. Daddy didn't think me would fit in tha dog basket but me has plenty of room. Bugs doesn't seem to like it to much which is fine with me cause hims thinks everything is for him and hims doesn't share really well either.