Friday, June 29, 2007

A very sad week

This has been a very sad week for my poor Mommy. Hers has been so unhappy cause her wonderful horse Fancy died on tha first day of Summer. Nobody knows why Fancy died either except that hers was 25 years old. Tha last time Mommy saw her a couple days earlier Fancy was fine and running around with Mommy's other horse and Fancy's daughter Jasmine. Mommy had Fancy for 23 of them 25 years and broughted hers and Jasmine (who is 20) to Colorado when hers moved here from Virginia. That was before hers got me and Bugs. Me and Bugs has been doing our berry best to let her know we loves her. The bad part for Mommy is to lose Fancy after losing her very bestest kitty Miss Pitty Pat in July of last year.

This is a picture of Mommy's horses. The one on tha left is her girl Fancy and the one on the right is her girl Jasmine. In fact just like Mommy refers to me and Bugs as the boys, well hers always referred to them as tha girls and when her did everyone knew just exactly who hers was talking about.

Me got to meet them a couple times but Bugs never did. Tha first time Mommy took me to meet her girls me was just a little puppy and me thought thems was tha biggest dogs me had ever seen. And thems big dogs would let Mommy get up thems back and ride her around. Me was a little worried that this was what Mommy was going to do to me when me grew up, but me is glad to report that peoples don't ride dogs thems rides horses and thems creatures was horses.

Mommy said that her was sure Miss Pitty Pat, Bozo Kitty, Sasha, Buffy, Ginger Pony and Sugar Pony (thems all was Fancy's friends and Mommy's pets that crossed before her) was waiting at tha Rainbow Bridge when Fancy got there so she would have someone to play with and keep her company. Mommy said hers knows Fancy would be especially happy to see Sugar Pony cause thems was pasture mates when Mommy got Fancy. Thems came as a packaged deal. Knowing this makes Mommy happy and feel a little better about not having Fancy with her anymore.


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Can you believe this?

Me and Bugs wented to see our Vet, Dr. Caldwell last week for me yearly checkup. Bugs only had to get hims Bordatello squirt in hims nose and me had to have that and a rabies shot. This is a good thing cause thems found a coyote in Colorado who attacked an old lady on hers porch and bit her and hims had rabies. Mommy says this NOT a good thing to have cause thems will put you down for having it. Anyways the vet visit was okay and Dr. Caldwell said me was really healthy and me teeth was really white but there was one small problem. Me is FAT!!! Me weighs 106 #'s and hers said that even though me daddy weighed in at 125# she didn't want me to be over 95#. Now you all has seen tha pictures of me, do you thinks me is fat??? Mommy says me is a stocky boy and all muscles but that me butt is pretty wide. Hurmphuf, me is not fat nor does me have a wide load in tha back. Dr. Caldwell says me has to go on a diet. This means me has to have carrots and peas added to me breakfast and dinner to make up the rest of me dinner. Me does NOT like carrots or peas. Mommy cooks them in chicken broth to make thems taste better and trick me into eating them. Patuee!!! Me does not like thems at all but me has to eat them.

The good news is Aunty Margert camed to visit from TX over the weekend. Tha last times her came to visit us was when me was a puppy two years ago. Bugs hogged all of hers attention cause hims had never met her before. Mommy says hers might come back in July for Daddy's Heinz 57 birthday party.

Murphy, who hates vegetables

Monday, June 11, 2007

A house on wheels

Mommy and Daddy bought a house on wheels a week ago and me and Bugs didn’t know why thems would do something like that. Why would somebody want to have a house on wheels? Was we going to leave our regular house and live in this new house on wheels? We sure hoped not cause we like our house. Thems tooked us into this new house to let us sniff it but we still couldn’t figger it out and then this weekend we found out why. We went on a family adventure in this new house on wheels. Seems this house on wheels is a replacement for our camper.

Mommy loaded us into this new contraption and hers and Daddy and us puppies headed off on a wonderful bacation. Me and Bugs loved riding in this house cause there was great big windows and we could really hang our heads out tha windows, that is until Mommy caught Bugs hanging half way out. Hers had Daddy stop so hers could close them big windows so we wouldn’t accidentally fall out on tha road.

That was okay cause we had this great big couch to lay on (that’s right we had a couch to ride on) and we could put our heads on the back of tha drivers seats and look over Daddy’s shoulder or lick his ear as needed. On top of that we could walk back and forth from tha front to tha back of tha house. It was wonderful.

Me did start to get a little worried when me noticed we was heading in tha same direction as when we went camping last month. What if we was going to go camping and at that place where we had to stay tied up tha whole time, but nope we drove right by it. Me and Bugs was sure happy about that. (This is what me had told Bugs camping was like tha first time we went) Then we started going up a mountain road and stopped at this beautiful place where we had gone when we was camping tha last time. Me and Bugs was so happy to see this house on wheels turn up tha road that Mommy and Daddy wanted to camp and then Daddy parked tha house on wheels and we jumped out over top of Mommy to get out we was so excited.

The whole weekend was wonderful!!! The only time we was tied up was while thems was setting up camp or taking down camp, the rest of the time me and Bugs was loose to do anything we wanted. We walked all over tha place and sniffed everything and we never ever ran away. And best of all Mommy or Daddy and sometimes both of them would take us for walks in the woods. Mommy said tha sunrise veiw was just beautiful of Pikes Peak.
We had tha bestest time. We would go into tha house on wheels and everybody would take naps and thems even left tha door open so we could go in or out but we stayed right with thems.

The only time we lefted was when some ole stray dogs wondered into our camp and me and Bugs ran right out and chased them away.

Mommy said we was so good except….when thems stopped to get gas on tha way home. Me and Bugs thought it was time for us to get out too so we jumped right into tha front seat and out the door behind Mommy before Daddy could stop us and then……..we runned all over tha parking lot evading everyone trying to catch us. Mommy and Daddy was mad at us cause thems was worried we’d get hit by a car. Thems finally got us back into tha house on wheels and decided that from now on leashes would stay on us so thems could keep us from jumping out.
Except for that little goof up and we is allowed one goof up we was so good that we might get to go camping again in two weeks.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Get me a lawyer!!!

This is tha last straw! Tha bad son, Bugs has really gone and done it and me is suffering the consequences right along with hims. Cause that ole Bugs can't stay out of trouble Mommy and Daddy has had to resort to desperate measures. What happened you asked?

Well if you remembers, Bugs pulled the stuffing out of two of tha cushions on the couch. Mommy was able to repair thems BUT it resulted in Bugs having to spend the day in my crate (cause it's bigger than hims) when our peoples wasn't here. Mommy and Daddy talked about getting baby gates to block off part of tha house so we could only get in tha kitchen and tha den, but thems hadn't done anything about it. Well for tha longest time it was only something thems talked about but then Saturday morning while Mommy was sleeping the straw that broked the peoples back happened!

Mommy was sleeping in tha spare bedroom and lefted the door open so we could be with her. Bugs got bored waiting for Mommy to wake up and picked up one of hers pretty bed pillows to play with. Me told hims not to do it. Me told him it would get us in trouble. Me tried to make him stop, but hims grabbed tha pillow and tooked off. Me tried to get it back from him but when me grabbed it to take it away from him, Bugs pulled hard and tha pillow split open. There was pillow stuffin everywhere. When Mommy woked up hers saw tha stuffing and was not happy. Hers yelled at us!!! Me tried to tell her it wasn't me fault but hers was mad and me don't blame her.

So..... Daddy and Mommy went to Wally World to get baby gates. Thems figgerd that cause thems would be gone 20 mins tops it would be okay to leave Bugs out of tha crate. NOT A GOOD IDEA!!! Bugs was just sitting there looking around cause hims had gotten bored again and saw one of them couch cushions and thought hims would play with it. Don't do it, me told Bugs but hims said hims was bored and needed something to do. Me did the best me could to stop him but when that darn ole Bugs sets hims mind on doing something this little boxer can't stop hims. Trying to take it from hims only makes it worse cause hims thinks we is playing tug o war then. Anyway when our peoples got home there was a mess and Daddy said some really bad words!!!

Now when ever thems leaves us we is locked out of the main part of tha house. The only place we can go is tha kitchen and tha den. Daddy even shuts the door to tha basement and hims office. We is in prison!!! Me is innocent and me is being made to stay in prison with that darn ole puppy!! Get me a lawyer this is unfair treatment. Me is not aiding and abetting this little rascal, me is trying to stop tha crimes!!! It's not fair that me is being punished too. Me wants me phone call!!

Murphy in the orange jumpsuit