Saturday, December 31, 2005

A new house for me

This wonderful!!! Mommy and Daddy gave me a late Christmas present or a very, very early birthday present(or maybe it's a New Year's present). Yesterday a new, bigger house (crate) arrived for me, Murphy. Mommy came home and took the old dog house out of the corner of the den and put in the garage and then hers put together me new house and put it where the old one had been. The old house had been a very nice and comfortable house, but me had pretty much outgrown it so now me has a new house me can stretch out in when Mommy and Daddy have to leave for long times.

Here's the bad thing about this whole deal. Mommy got tha really bright idea that maybe it would be a good thing to take the old dog crate and put it in the back of her Explorer and that it would be an even better idea for me to ride in that crate when we went places. GRRRR this is not a good idea at all from a little boxers point of view. Me thought it was a very nice place to put the old crate and it would be nice to visit on occasion. Nope, that's not what hers and daddy had in mind at all. Hers tricked me at first and let me jump in and out of the crate a couple times, telling me what a good boy me is before hers shutted me in there. Them says it isn't safe for a little boxer puppy of my size to be bouncing around freely in the back of the car. And that when we go on trips it would be much safer for everyone if me is safely secured in me old crate. Hey, me thought me was to big for it??? How come me can ride in it when we go places??? This is not fair and me is very sure it is not in the Boxer Union Book. Me will check later to be sure.

Well we went for a ride in that Explorer and thems sure enough put me in tha crate and left me there when thems went into a store to do some shopping. Me guesses thems didn't think that me would like to go into tha store and shop too. Boxers need to buy things sometimes too.

Thems did take me into Petco to get Mommy a new fish and me a new bone but when we came back to the truck thems wanted me to get back in that ole crate. Me had other ideas about this whole thing. When Mommy tried to lift me front feet up, me spreaded me legs really far and twisted away from her. Me thought that would do it and thems would let me in the back seat but me didn't win. Mommy lifted me front feet into the crate and Daddy lifed me back end into the crate and there me was again. Thems says me will get used to the whole thing but me don't know.


Thursday, December 29, 2005

Tha Cats in tha bag

Sometimes me little kitty, Miss PittyPat, can play some scary tricks on me. Hers thinks its fun to make me jump and look all around me cause me was scared. This is what hers did over tha Christmas Holiday. There was a big ole plastic bag laying in tha middle of tha floor and me was going to go over an check it out. A boxer puppy never ever knows when there might be a treat or toy hiding in them bags.

Well about the time me thought about putting me little boxer paw on the bag to see what was in it, the bag started to move and shake all around. Now being a very smart boxer puppy (Mommy always tells me how smart me is) me knew that them plastic bags don't just move around by themselves. There was something in there and it was alive!!! Me backed up and sniffed the air to see if me could figger out what was in that bag. Buff Buff Buff (translated means MOMMY come quick theres something in here and me needs backup)

Come quick Mommy, there is something in here and it's alive. Me thinks you forgetted to take something out of there. Mommy was just laughing and asking me what was tha matter. Now that was a silly question. Couldn't hers see what was tha matter??? That ole bag was shaking and moving around and even me knows thems not suppose to do that. Me doesn't know what Mommy thinks is so funny anyway.

Me kepted smelling a smell that was really really familiar. Me couldn't quite put me little paw on it though. Me mustard up all me courage and sticked me little boxer nose in that noisy bag. Me tried not to show any fear at all as me sniffed and sniffed. And do you know what was in that ole plastic bag????

Why there was Miss PittyPat and her was just laughing and laughing at how hers and tricked me. See hers looking out the bag at me?? Now this is not a very nice thing to do to your best boxer puppy pal. Me did not think it was funny at all. Mommy thought it was a wonderful joke and was calling for Daddy to come see what Murphy had found in the bag.

Do you see what I see??? This is my kitty laughing at me!!! Well me did not think it was funny!!! How would hers like it if me did that to her??? Oh wait, now that me thinks of it me does play tricks on her sometimes. Still hers is a grown up kitty and should know better. Me is just a little boxer puppy and that is a good excuse.

Me thinks that ole kitty can just stay in her ole plastic bag. Me wouldn't care one bit and if me happens to be passing by and forgets hers is in that bag and steps on her or picks of the bag in me little mouth and carry it around to play catch with, well that would serve her right!!

Your Pal

Murphy (who thinks letting the cat out of the bag is a bad idea)

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

This does not seem fair to me

My bully pal Baywee got a really cool new toy to cuddle with. It is a really, really big stuffed blue donkey. (Me didn't know that donkeys come in tha color blue but that is not tha problem here.) It looks like it would be just tha perfect thing for a little boxer puppy to cuddle with when hims was left alone. See doesn't this look like a lovely way to take a nap???? Well there is a little, tiny problem with this picture.

My mommy has a stuffed blue donkey just like this one that Baywee is taking a nice little nap with. That's it on top of the TV. My mommy told me that it was NOT a toy for little boxer dogs. Hers says that her two legged children gave it to her a long time ago and that it was for her and not for little boxer dogs.

Her usually keeps this blue donkey on top of her bed way up in the tall part of tha headboard so a little boxer can't get to it. Now this might seem like a very good idea to her, but it doesn't seem like a good idea to me. What does hers thinks me is going to do??? Tear it up like me does with all me other stuffed toys?? Why of course not!!! Me wouldn't ever do nothing like that. Me would just pull it up in me chair and snuggle up to it just like Baywee does, honest Mommy!!! Really me would just love it to pieces that's all.

Me thinks that it would be a very much better idea if hers gave it to me to cuddle up with and take naps with just like Baywee. This is not fair and me is very, very sure that in the Boxer Union Book there is something there about Mommy's needing to share all of thems stuffed toys with thems boxer puppys. Me is going to check into this. In the mean time me has to figure out how to get this blue donkey down from way up in the high place especially since me is not allowed on the grown up bed. After all if Baywee can have a blue donkey then me wants the one Mommy has.

Murphy (who wants a blue donkey too)

Sunday, December 25, 2005

This is what really happened Christmas eve. Me swears it's true!! Mommy says that me was having little boxer dreams. Me saw it with me own little boxer eyes so it must be true. On Christmas Eve night, Mommy said Santa was checking his list one more time and it was time she, Daddy and me went to bed Christmas eve. Me wasn't really tired yet but just to be on the safe side me went to bed. Me didn't want to suddenly wind up on the naughty list.

We all went to the bedroom to go to sleep and wait for Christmas to get here. Me was all excited cause this was me first Christmas and me just couldn't wait for Santa to come visit our house. In fact me was so excited that me could not get to sleep at all. Mommy was a sleep and Daddy was makingthose pooh pooh sounds hims makes at night, so hims must have been asleep too. All of a sudden me heard something outside that was not supposed to be there. Up on the roof it sounded like there was something walking around. No really, me heard it!!! Me was a little scared and slunked down the stairs to tha window and looked outside. Me went "buff" "buff" really low cause me didn't want to wake Mommy up just in case it wasn't nothing out there. Me runned to tha living room and got up on tha love seat in front of tha window and looked all around. Then me saw something really, really strange. There was a man that looked just like the pictures of Santa walking on his tip toes outside. Really low I went "buff" "buff" again. Hims looked at me and putted his finger to his lips and said "shhh, Murphy, go back to bed and go to sleep"

Well what else could me do. If Santa tells me to be quiet and go to bed, then that's what me has to do, so me trotted back up them stairs and settled down by Mommy's side of the bed. Me couldn't stay there cause there was some more noise coming from up on that roof and it sounded like it was over tha spare bedroom. Me had to get up and go look again. Me crouched down and crept down tha stairs again and looked in tha den. Now it sound like something was jumping up and down on that roof and there was stuff falling down that hole in tha wall next to daddy's chair. Mommy says this is a fireplace and Santa needs it to deliever his presents. Why Santa would want to get in a place that has fire me don't know but that's what Mommy says.

Then there was an awful, terrible noise that sounded like something sliding down the hole in the wall. BAM! Something heavy hitted the bottom of the hole in tha wall and than Thud!! something else hitted the bottom of that place.

Me was trying me very best to be the brave little boxer puppy that me is. "BUFF, BUFF, WOOF, WOOF" me said and backed up from the hole in the wall. "Grrr, grrr, grrr" was about as brave as this little boxer puppy could get. What if it WAS Santa and me was barking and growling at hims. Hims might not think me is a good little puppy at the last minute and not leave me any presents. But then again, what if it was a monster???? And what if it was a monster that liked to eat little boxer puppies??? Me runned back up the stairs and darted into Mommy and Daddy's bedroom, curled up on the floor and put me paws over me eyes. Maybe if me couldn't see hims, then Santa or what ever it was couldn't see me. Me must have gone to sleep cause a little while later me hears another noise. It sounded like bells and snorting and someone saying "HO HO HO, Merry Christmas Murphy the little Boxer Puppy, Merry Christmas."

Mommy says me dreamed it all and me really only say someone outside tha window just once, but me is certain it was Santa. There was presents under tha tree this morning. So it had to been him.

Thanks Santa for all the lovely presents. Me loves me new bed and the frisbee and the big bone and the new toy. Me is going to chew on me new toy for awhile.

Your friend
Murphy, who didn't mean to growl at you .

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Santa's been spotted

Hims on his way!!!! Santa is in the US, where ever that is. Mommy just told me

Dec 24: Grand Falls, Newfoundland, Canada — Santa has officially landed in North America, the last continent on his journey around the world. A young resident of Grand Falls spotted him while walking his dog very early this morning. “I’m positive it was him,” said the little boy. “There was a lot of fog on the mountain tops so he was flying low — I could see him perfectly! He even waved at me!”
Mommy said hers went to the offical Santa tracking web site and that was what thems said. Hims was sited and hims is on his way her. Me needs to go get the dog bones out so Santa can have something to eat.

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve and where did this little boxer spend a goodly portion of this day??? In my crate !!!! Now this does not seem very fair to me. Okay sure, Mommy and Daddy tooked me to tha dog park this morning to play but that was at 8:30 in tha morning. At 11:00 thems put me in me crate and headed off to tha football game. Did thems ask if me wanted to go to tha football game??? No, they did not. Thems knows me loves to play football and me would have loved to go to see them Broncos beat them ole Raiders. Why had me gotten to go them Broncos might have beat them Raiders by lots more points. And them Raiders wouldn't have gotten any points cause me would have body slammed them every time thems had the ball. Me guesses me forgives Mommy and Daddy cause Mommy gave me some potato chips and a really nice ham bone to gnaw on this evening to make up for leaving me alone all day. Besides it is Christmas Eve and Santa is coming tonight.

Merry Christmas Everybody


Monday, December 19, 2005

Some very sad news

My Mommy just told me some very, very sad news. Hers is friends with Baywees mommy and hers just found out that Baywees sister and bestest friend Awi is not going to be here for Christmas. Mommy says that Awi is going on a great journey to tha Summerland on Thursday. Mommy says this is were all creatures go when thems pass over to the other side. This includes peoples too. Me is not real certain what mommy means by passing over to the other side but it must be a good place cause hers says it is a very happy place and that Awi will be able to see again and chase rabbits and squirrels to hers hearts content and that hers won't be in pain anymore. Me is glad that Awi will be in a better place but very sad for Baywee and her Mommy cause me knows thems is going to miss her an awful lot.


Sunday, December 18, 2005

Look What was in Me front Yard

This is getting really bad. It is snowing again and its cold!!!. Me must be seeing things. It looks like there is some singing snow peoples in the front yard. Me had to shake me little boxer head cause me couldn't beleive what me was seeing. Is this what peoples means by cabin fever??? Do little boxer pups get it too?? Me knows me is stir crazy cause Mommy keeps sayins so.

Me went running to get Miss Pitty Pat to see if hers saw tha same things me did. When we gots back there was something else in tha front yard and it was even more scary than thems snow peoples that was singing. Now there was three little penguins out there singing. It must be magic cause them snow peoples was gone and in there place was these penguins. Well this is really a mystery to us and we need to go look out the window some more cause if we waits long enough we might see some reindeers out there singing.

Murphy who is a little stir crazy

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I'm on the GOOD LIST!!!!!!

My Mommy went to and checked to see if me was on the naughty or nice list. Me is on the nice list. See what hims said about me. This must mean Santa is going to bring me lots of presents. OH BOY This is so exciting!!! Did ya see what Santa said about me???? Did ya? Did ya? Hims says that me niceness outweighs the naughtiness. And I really was good last month too. Remember Mommy and Daddy left me alone outside of tha crate for several hours while thems and thems friends went to the movies. Only 10 more days to wait.

My Kitty Miss Pitty Pat is even going to get something for christmas. Her's on Santa's nice list too. Santa says hers is much more nice than naughty and can be very thoughtful. This a true fact. Miss Pitty sometimes lets me clean her food dish and that is very thoughtful. And hers is almost always in a good mood and one of the cleanest kitties me knows of.

Murphy the very good Boxer Puppy who can't wait til Christmas

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Christmas Cards

Me got a Christmas card today. Well actually it was address to Mommy, Daddy and Murphy (thats me) It was from Mommys friend Kathy and her little pug puppy Sasha. Thems lives in Florida. It was very exciting to get a Christmas card. This means it really is getting close to Christmas. Santa will be here in 12 days!!! Oh boy, me hopes Santa saw tha list me left for him on me blog. And Santa me is trying really hard to be good with this halter thing Mommy and Daddy is using on me. Thems has taken me for walks every night since Saturday and Daddy says it is so pleasant. Me guess it is pleasant, it's not him or mommy that has a halter on thems noses. But me isnt complaining Santa. Me is being good and wearing the halter so me can go for a walk in the evenings.

And just in case you forgetted my list me wants:

New squeaky toys
A big beef bone, maybe 2 or 3 bones
A bed of me very own
A basket ball
A remote control car (thems is fun to chase and me and daddy could play with it together)

Me will try and come see you at Pet Smart if Mommy and Daddy will bring me. Me wants to have a picture with you like me friend Baywee.

Your bestest puppy

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Me is NOT a pony

This is Murphy and me is not a happy Boxer Puppy. Me peoples thinks me is a pony!!!! Daddy went and bought a halter for me. Daddy decided that me was out of control when it was time to go for walks and so hims got a halter for me. Its a thing called a "Gentle Leader". Hims must think me is like one of Mommy's horses. Well me does not like it!!! The destructions says its not for all dogs but that most dogs learns to walk with this thing on thems noses in 10 mins. ARF me will not do it!!!!

This is how it works. Mommy puts a strap around me neck up close to me ears and fastens it. THEN hers takes this other strap and puts it around me little short, smushed up, boxer nose. This is supposed to be gentle??? Her put it on me tha first time and me laid down in tha floor and rub me boxer head on tha carpet trying to get it off. Then me pawed at me nose trying to get that ole strap off me nose. It was humilating to be lassoed around tha nose. What self respecting Boxer would stand for this???? This wasn't bad enough. Then Mommy put tha leash on the end of tha strap hanging from me nose. Me jumped up on me hind legs and pawed at me nose some more. Mommy was laughing and said me reminded her of when her horses were little and were learning how to walk with a halter. Well me is not a horse and me don't like having this thing on me nose.

Mommy said tha only way me could go for a walk was with tha halter so out tha door we went. Me pulled like with the regular leash and Mommy would tug on me nose with the "gentle leader" and pull me head back around to me shoulder and me would have to stop pulling. Then hers would let go and me would take off again. Hers would pull me head around and me would have to stop. Now me has to ask, is this gentle??? Having me head pulled around to me shoulder is better than choking against the choke chain but gentle??? After a few minutes I wasn't fighting so hard.

This morning Mommy took me out for a walk with the "gentle leader" thing on me nose and me did walker besider her like a good dog. Then this afternoon Mommy and Daddy took me for a really long walk with this thing on me and thems both said me was such a good dog and it was so pleasant to be able to talk a walk and not get pulled all over tha place. Well what is the point of taking a walk if ya can't go sniffing and pulling your peoples??? And of course me was a good dog when we walked. Me doesn't like having the pressure on me little, smushed up, boxer nose. Ok so may it does work and maybe will get use to walking with it on me nose, but me isn't going to like it.

Murphy the Boxer Puppy (not Murphy the pony.)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

A letter to Santa

Dear Santa

This is Murphy, the little 9 month old boxer puppy. Last night my Mommy caught me eating the hat of one of hers nutcrackers. Now me isn't sure what a nutcracker is but me found out in a hurry that it was not a good thing to eat the hat of one of them creatures. It wasn't me fault. Me has pictures to prove that Mommy showed thems nutcrackers to me. Hers never said me couldn't play with thems.

As you can tell Santa, me is only sniffing them nutcrackers and thats only cause Mommy said "Here Murphy, come look at these" Her never said me couldn't play with thems. Hers told me not to play with the stuffed ornaments on that Christmas tree, but never did her say not to play with them nutcrackers. Honest!!! Me sure wouldn't tell a lie this close to Christmas. How was me, a little boxer puppy, supposed to know it was against the rules??? It wasn't in the Boxer Union Book. Me is totally innocent

Santa please don't count this against me. Me really is a good boxer puppy and wouldn't want to do anything wrong this close to Christmans. Oh yeah and if you needs me list of what me wants for Christmas, here it is.

A new puppy bed, a dog sweater (to keep me warm when it's this cold outside), some new bones (the kind mommy gets at the grocery store) some new squeaky toys and thats all for now.

Murphy who didn't mean to eat the hat of the baker nutcracker.

PS me didn't mean to eat her left black clog just now either.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

This was not fair

Today was the day we was having Daddy's family over for a late Thanksgivinig Dinner. This was because Mommy was in the middle of the ocean on a big boat on Thanksgiving Day. Mommy promised that me could help be tha host tonight when tha company came but hers tricked me. Mommy decided that maybe it would be a good idea if me was the host in me crate. Now this is not fair!!!! Hers said it was cause me would get so excited that me would jump on everybody and maybe knock Daddy's mother off her feets.

Well me can't help it if me is enthusiastical when we has company for dinner. Me is just trying to be the bestes host ever!!!! How can a boxer be a good host if hims is locked up in a crate?? This is not in the Boxer Union Book, me is very certain of that!!! Me had to sit there with a bone and smell all them good smells that was coming from the kitchen. Me couldn't go into the living room to greet the company either. This is not fair.

After the company left, then Mommy let me out of the crate. Woof, me was not happy at all. But then something happened. Mommy was putting the turkey bird away and hers started throwing me pieces of meat to catch and eat. This was very, very, very good. In fact hers scrapped all the left over pieces of meat in me dog bowl for a treat. Me thinks this was her way of say hers was sorry for putting me in tha crate.


Saturday, December 03, 2005

Christmas Trees

Boy oh boy oh boy. What a day this has been. First off when me went to bed last night it was doing that snowing thing again. Mommy let me go out side and play in tha snow for a little while before bedtime. When we got up this morning there was lots and lots of snow on tha ground.

There is snow on me little nose and it's cold.

This snow don't got no smell to it but it's cold on me boxer nose.

Then Mommy took me to tha dog park to play with the other dogs in tha snow. There wasn't but two other little puppies there to play with and Mommy said me was playing to rough with them puppies. Here's the bestest part about today. Mommy broughted home a Christmas tree!!! Miss Pitty Pat say hers does this every year. Hers says that Mommy brings home a naked tree and then decorates it for Christmas. Hers also says that Santa also likes to see them decorated trees and leaves presents under the really pretty ones.

This is how them Christmas tree is decorated.

First your Mommy and Daddy has to go to tha Christmas tree place and pick out a tree. Thems looks for tha most beautiful and perfect tree thems can find. This is tha one that thems picked out. It still had snow on it when thems brought it home today. Mommy said it was not a dog toy.

Then you has to put it in a stand so it can stand up and then you puts a scarf around tha bottom of tha tree. And every good boxer will of course go over to tha tree and sniff it real good to make sure there aren't no bad things hiding in tha tree. Me thought me smelled a squirrel in there.

Mommy put some pretty lights on tha tree so you can see it in the dark. Again me has to sniff it to be sure everything is A OK. Me still smelled a squirrel but it could have been Miss Pitty Pat cause hers had been rubbing up on that tree.

Mommy put all these pretty decorations on da tree and said thems was NOT toys for boxers to play with. Humm me sees a couple of stuffed toys on that tree and everybody knows that stuffed toys are boxer toys.

Theres this one stuffed toy at the very top of tha tree that looks a little bit suspious. Miss Pitty says that this is Santa. Mommy says him is Santas helper and hims is watching us. And that is how you decorate a Christmas tree.

Murphy tha Christmas Puppy

Friday, December 02, 2005

Being an almost grown up dog has it's perks

Me has just discovered that being an almost grown up Boxer has some really good things going for it. This is what happened.

Most of tha time when my Mommy and Daddy leave tha house for more than an hour theys put me in me crate to be sure me stays out of trouble. Me supposes this is a good thing except when Daddy comes home sometimes in tha middle of tha day and lets me out for an hour or so and then has to put me back in to go back and do more work. Me doesn't like and me knows Daddy feels bad about it but Mommy says that it's just safer for me and tha house.

Well, tonight Mommy got home and letted me out of me crate and then an hour later hers and Daddy and some friends was going to tha movies. Daddy said "Murphy, you know where you need to go". This is what hims always says when hims wants me to go into me crate so hims can go to work. Mommy said no, just leave me out and lets see what happens. Hers gave me a brand new beef soup bone (yummy) to keep me happy and thems all left for tha movies.

When thems got home they founded that me, Murphy the Boxer Dog, had not made a mess of nothin. Me had to go outside really bad but me had waited for thems to come home. And thems had been gone for over 3 hours. Mommy says me is a very good Boxer Dog and that maybe I can start staying out for longer times when thems has to leave me here alone.

Hers doesn't know that me is being extra special good cause Christmas is only 23 days away and me wants Santa to bring me lots of toys.

The almost grown up Boxer Dog

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Today is a very important day

December 1st is a very important day for lots of reasons. The first reason and of course tha mose important reason is me is 9 months old today. That means in 3 more months me will be 1 year old and all grown up!!! WOOF WOOF that will be a wonderful day. Maybe Mommy will give me a birthday party to celebrate.

The 2nd important thing is that there is only 24 more days until Christmas and then Santa will be here with lots and lots of presents for me. Me knows cause me has been a good boy just like me friend Baywee said to be. Me has been so good that in all the time Mommy and Daddy has had me, me has only chewed up two shoes. That's pretty good for a puppy don't ya think?? Me did chew up me bed that Mommy got me but that doesn't count cause it was mine. Me sure hopes Santa brings me lots of yummy things. Lets see, some more toys would be good for starters and then of course lots of doggie treats like bones, cheese, peanuts and anything else hims would like to leave for me. Oh yeah a new bed would be really good too. Me promises that me would chew it up. Mommy says hers is going to decorate the house for Christmas cause that's what people do. Hers says that me can help but me can't eat the decorations or play with them either.

The 3rd thing that is important that is going to happen is we is going to have a late Thanksgiving dinner and have company over to eat it with us on Sunday. Theres going to be turkey and dressing and gravy and all kinds of yummy things to eat. Mommy says me can help her get ready to entertain. Everybody knows me loves to be a host when there is a party and me is a really good host too. See this is how me makes everyone feel welcome in our house. When tha company comes to tha door me runs up and waits for Mommy or Daddy to open tha door and let tha company in. Once thems get inside tha door them me jumps on thems to lick them faces and let thems know they is welcome. Now sometimes some of tha company doesn't like it but me sure doesn't know why. Then me tries to get them to play. A good game of "wrestle the boxer" or fetch is always a good way to make tha company feel welcome. Me can hardly wait!! So much to do and so little time.

24 days and counting

Murphy the really good puppy.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

My Mommy's home

My mommy came home today!!!!! Hers has been on a cruise out in the middle of da ocean for seven days. That's what hers did for Thanksgiving. And did Murphy get to go on this cruise for Thanksgiving??? No he did not. Daddy went to our friends house in the mountains for Thanksgiving and left me at home with the kitty kats so me didn't get none turkey even though there is a bunch of turkeys in the freezer. Now that Mommy is home maybe we can have Thanksgiving. Me sure did miss her! Being with Daddy was fun and we had a good time but me is glad mommy is home.

Me and Daddy had to stay home and take care of the kitty kats. Mommy thought it would be a good time for me and daddy to do some male bonding. Now me is not real sure what male bonding is but me and Daddy had big fun. Hims took me for walks and to da Dog Park to play. One night we even had a policeman show up at the door way late at night. We must have be doing to much male bonding cause Daddy forgetted to close da garage door and so the policeman came and ringed da door bell really late at night. Me started barking really loud (me is a watch dog first class don't cha know) and Daddy went to da door. Daddy told Mommy that me was rasing quite a ruckus when the doorbell was ringing.The nice policeman told Daddy hims forgot to close the garage door and the policeman thought it would be a good idea to close it since there was some burglars around. That policeman didn't know that Murphy was on patrol. Thats about tha only thing that happened exciting while Mommy was gone.


Monday, November 14, 2005

Theres a blizzard outside

My Mommy is a crazy human. Don't tell her me said that, but her really is crazy. See this is what is happening. There is a blizzard going on outside........well it could be a blizzard for all me knows. Mommy took me outside to go potty and there was all this snow falling from tha sky just like tha last time only more. Me took off running trying to get away from this stuff falling from tha sky but it kept following me. There is no getting away from tha snow outside when it is falling from tha sky. Me finally decided that this was okay cause it was soft on me little boxer nose and it tasted good when me bited it from the sky. And it was lots of fun to chase around tha back yard. But that's not tha reason me mommy is crazy.

This is tha reason hers is crazy. Her's went in to tha house and took off all her clothes and put on her heavy bathrobe and went back outside in tha blizzard. THEN, hers took the cover off the hot tub place and got in it!!! Where is tha camera thingy when a puppy needs it? There hers was sitting in the wet place full of water with tha blizzard falling on her head. Now this does not make good boxer sense. Humans can do some of the silliest things. And them says we is dumb animals!!! Me has enough sense not to get into hot water and sit in tha blizzard. When hers finally got out of tha hot water place, hers bath robe was all covered in snow and was wet. This meaned hers had to go back in that house half dressed in her people skin in tha snow. The strangest thing was that hers was laughing and having a good time. At least Daddy had tha good sense not to go out in tha blizzard and get in the hot water place. Hims must be smarter than Mommy.

Murphy who has sense enough to come in out of tha blizzard.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Paralee Vous a humahumm

Oh met a french girlyesterday in the dog park. Hers was a beautiful standard black French Poodle named Ashley. Isn't that the most beautiful name you ever heard for a dog. Me thinks me is in love!!! This is what happened.

Mommy and Daddy took me to da dog park to play this morning. Thems said that since me had to spend so much time in me crate this week that me deserved to go play with the other dogs. Me was sooo excited that me was leading meself around da house by me leash. We gots into da truck and headed to da park. Mommy even rolled down da windows in tha back of her Explorer and me stuck me head outside to smell all the good smells that are on the way to da dog park. When we gots to the park there was a little Pug and a great big Newfoundland to play with. Then some more dogs came in and we was all running around sniffing each other and playing when it happened!

Through tha gate and into the park came the most beautiful dog in tha world. Her was really shy at first. All the dogs went running up to her and hers went and hid behind her mommy. Me was really kool and waited till hers was over being scared and them other dogs went off to play and me made me move. Me went up to her and sniffed her and that was it. Me was in love. L-O-V-E love. Mommy said it was puppy love. Is not!!!! We runned all over da place together and played and played. My mommy was talking to her mommy and found out that herswas 8 months old da same age as me. Me sure hopes me gets to see her again. Me loves her!!!

But then today we went to da dog park again and me fell in love all over was an Alaskan Husky...........maybe it really is puppy love


Friday, November 11, 2005

A letter to the pets

This is a letter my Mommy sended to me and the Kitties. Her says Auntie Margaret sent it to her for us.

Dear Murphy, Miss Pitty Pat, Lil and Smoke,

The dishes with the paw print are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a paw print in the middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest .

The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.
I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm.

For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom. If by some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob or get your paw under the edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door I entered. Also, I have been using the bathroom for years-canine or feline attendance is not mandatory.

The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt. I cannot stress this enough!

To pacify you, my dear pets, I have posted the following message on our front door:
Rules for Non-Pet Owners Who Visit and Like to Complain about Our Pets:

1. They live here. You don't.
2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. (That's why they call it "fur"niture.)
3. I like my pets a lot better than most people.
4. To you, it's an animal. To me, he/she is an adopted son/daughter who is short, hairy, walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly. Dogs and cats are better than kids...they eat less, don't ask for money all the time, are easier to train, usually come when called, never drive your car, don't hangout with drug-using friends, don't smoke or drink, don't worry about having to buy the latest fashions, don't wear your clothes, and don't need a gazillion dollars for college - and if they get pregnant, you can sell the children.

Love Mommy and Daddy

Thursday, November 10, 2005

This is strange

It's been a very strange evening around here. First, Mommy came home with something in a plastic bag that looked a lot like a stuffed toy for a Murphy. Hers didn't give it to me either. Hers took it into tha spare bedroom was (with the suitcases) and hided it from me. Now me knows something is up cause if hers is hiding it with the suitcases it means whatever it is gets to go with Mommy. Well you know how nosey (me prefers inquisitive) a little boxer puppy is. Me sneaked into the spare bedroom and snooted around and look what me found!!!

Me was just ready to jump on this fuzz ball excuse of a stuffed dog to shake it really good when who walks in?? Yep you guessed it....Mommy. Hers yelled at me really loud "NO" and took this fuzzy thing from the jaws of death. (That would be me little jaws) Hers said it was a doggy pocketbook ? and hers was taking it to her Mommy as a present. Hummp!!! That ugly thing gets to go with Mommy on the cruise thing with her family and me has to stay here. Now this just doesn't seem fair to me. If anybody should get to go on this cruise it should be me, Murphy, Mommy's most loyal, faithful companion. Not some ugly fuzzy thing. Mommy did make it up to me and gave me a great big soup bone. YUMMMMY

THEN hers called me to her and got tha leash out. Well when me sees tha leash me gets all excited cause me thinks me is going for a walk or a car ride to tha dog park. So of course me was beside meself (which isn't easy to do) and wiggling all over with excitement and anticipation cause me just knew me was going to the dog park.

BUT NO.........Mommy puts me in tha back of hers truck and we headed in a different direction than tha
dog park. Me was getting a bit suspious and really nervous cause this looked like tha way to go to tha kennel. Sure enough we was at tha Vets which is also tha kennel and Mommy was taking me inside. NO Mommy don't make me stay here. Mommy laughed at me and promised me didn't have to stay this time. Me was just getting a shot. Well me supposes getting shotted is better than having to stay at tha kennel away from Mommy and Daddy. Mommy weighed me on tha scale and me is really a big boy. Me weighs 80# at 7 months old. Tha vet was surprised at how big me is now. Her also said me was very handsome. Tha vet gave me some treats and then stucked me with tha needle in my shoulder. It was okay cause me didn't have to stay. Mommy tooked me home and now me is a happy boxer puppy just chewing on me soup bone next to Mommy. Me hasn't forgotten that fuzzy thing in the suitcase. If me gets another chance me is going to replace it with me in tha suitcase. Won't Mommy be surprised.


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

There is suitcases in the spare bedroom

Something strange is getting ready to happen around here. It's a mystery but me just may have figgered it out all by meself. Mommy keeps taking things into the spare bedroom and putting them in to something called suitcases. Me thinks her is going away somewhere and me is going to the kennel to stay while her is gone. Every time me sees them darn ole suitcases appear that's what happens.

Now me isn't sure where her is going but me has heard her talking to Daddy. Her is in really excited too. Her is going to be with her human family for Thanksgiving. Her Mommy and sisters are going with her on a cruise in the ocean. Me isn't sure what a cruise is but me heard her say something about the ocean having lots of water. If hers wants lots of water me thinks her could go out side and sit in the hot tub. That has lots of water in it and her ususally goes out there every evening to sit in the water. And if her wants her human family to be with her, thems could come here and sit in the hot tub with her. This way me wouldn't have to go to the kennel. hasn't seen Daddy's suitcases and me hasn't heard him talking about going on this cruise too. So maybe me will get to stay home with Daddy.

Me has to go investigate them ole suitcases. Thems has to have some clues for me to figger out what's going on. As soon as me knows for sure me will let you know.

sniff sniff sniff

Murphy PI

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Monday was Halloween and it was a different sort of night. Mommy said that there was going to be lots of little kids coming to da door to "trick or treat". Thems would be all dressed up like scary monsters and hers thought it would be best if me went out into da backyard until all of da "trick or treating" was over.

Now me found out what "trick or treating" is and me wants to do it. See little kids put on these costumes and have bags and go from door to door saying "Trick or Treat" Da Mommy or Daddy that opens da door is supposed to act like thems is scared and they give tha little kids candy to make thems go away. Me could put on a costume and be a scary kitty kat and hiss, snarl, spit and arch me back just like a reall kitty kat. That would be really scary and den Mommy would have to give a treat to make me go away so hers wouldn't be scared. Or me could be a weird wolf. Yeah Yeah that's could be a weird wolf. Dems look pretty scary with all the big teeth oozing stuff and thems snarl and growl so it would be easier for me to pretend to be one of dem. That's what me will be next year, a weird wolf.


Murphy the Weird Wolf

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Are you ready for some football???

Well here it is Sunday again and it's time for more football. Mommy and hers friend (me godmother) Maggie is going out for High Tea. Now me is not sure what this means but me thinks it means thems gets up really high and has them some tea. Why else would it be called high tea??? That means that me and Daddy will be here to watch some football.

Me is really excited about this game cause me has a real football now!!! Mommy and Daddy gots me a real football for me 7 month day. Thems said it was time me had the real thing. Me was too big for dem stuffed puppy footballs. Me really things Mommy got tired of picking up all of da stuffing off of da floor ifn you wants to know da truth.

See da picture of me here?? This was me when me was a little baby puppy and Mommy had just brought me home from da place where me first lived. And dis is me little baby puppy football.

Now see this picture?? This is me all gown up and with a big dog football. This big dog football is more fun cause it bounces all over da place.

Me also thinks me could play for da Broncos. De is short one player cause Dwayne Carswell was hurted in a car crash and the Broncos is short one player. If Mommy and Daddy gots me a football jersey with hims name on it and me showed up on the football field do you think dem other Broncos would know me was really a boxer??? Me can catch da football and run with it really fast. Dem ole Eagles couldn't catch me at all. Dis is me getting the football on the hike.

Me's got it but which way do me run?? Dems peoples running at me from all directions.

Faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than a locomotive. No wait dats another story. Me's running to da goal post and going to make a touchdown just like Carswell. Nobody can catch me cause me is the fastest football player on the field.


Now me better go back inside and settle in on da love seat to watch football with Daddy. Maybe hims will have some peanuts hims can share with me.

Murphy the football playing dog.

Kitty Crunchies

Me's been caught eating the Kitty Crunchies. How did thems figure it out?? Me waited until Mommy and Daddy was in bed and asleep to go eat the crunchies. Of course when Daddy would go down into the storage room to feed the kitties he would find the gate open and the crunchies gone. Does that mean that me ate them??? It isn't proof that a boxer puppy was in there muching out. Nope, no way is it proof. Maybe them ole kitties ate it all. Smoke and Lil eats up Miss Pitty's share of the wet food so maybe thems was the culprits. Mommy has to feed Miss Pitty seperate (and I stand up with me little paws on the dryer and lick the bowl clean when hers is done but don't tell anyone).

Me almost had it made. Thems was thinking that such a good little boxer puppy couldn't be stealing the kitty crunchies and then it happened. Mommy was looking for me cause it was time to go to bed and hers couldn't find me. Hers was calling "Murphy, come here Murphy". Me should have come when hers called me but me nose was buried in the bowl of crunchies and thems was soooooooooo good that me just ignored her calling me. That was the BIG MISTAKE!! Mommy looked all over the house and couldn't find me. Her knew me wasn't outside so her went downstairs to Daddy's office. What did her see? The gate to the storage room was open and her turned on the light and there me was..........guilty look on me face, chewing up the kitty crunchies. Me runned out of there really fast and Mommy fastened the gate again. Hers came back upstairs and looked at me and said "BAD MURPHY!!". Them words really hurt cause that means me has done something to disappoint me mommy. Mommy took me into the bedroom with her and Daddy and shut the door so me couldn't go wandering through the house while thems was asleep.

This morning Daddy told Mommy the gate was still closed so me must not have gotten into the storage room and eaten the kitty crunchies. Mommy told him that hers caught me in the act. Now both of thems is disappointed with me. Daddy said hims is smarter than a Murphy puppy and hims was going to come up with a way to keep me from opening the gate. Thems still haven't figured out how me opened the gate and me sure isn't going to tell them.

Murphy the Stealth One.

Friday, October 28, 2005

A soft bed and a bone in every doghouse

My mommy and daddy are involved in an organization that is holding elections for a new board member. Me isn't sure what an organization is or what it does but very exciting listening to thems discuss the 4 different candidates running for the one position. This made me think that maybe me could run for something other than the things mommy and daddy throw for me to fetch.

Now me isn't sure what position me wants to run for yet but me does have a platform. If you're going to be elected for anything you have to have a platform and this is mine....Every dog will have a soft bed to sleep on and a fresh bone everyday. Doesn't that sound like a good platform??? Even though me is only 7 months old, well me will be 7 months old on Tuesday, me is sure that I would be a good candidate for something. By being young me can bring in new ideas on what it is me is running for. Me needs to work on me campaign speech too! Buff Buff.............what can me run for????

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Shouldn't I always get to sleep in the spare bedroom?

This is me, Murphy and me has a bone to chew with Mommy. See me thinks that me should always be able to sleep in the spare bedroom with mommy. Here's what happened last night. Me and Mommy stayed up when Daddy went to bed cause him was feeling under da weather and had a cold in his nose. Now this is not the same thing as having a cold nose which is a very good thing. When it was time to go to bed, me being da ever thoughtful and caring boxer puppy that me is went and stood at the door to the spare bedroom. Me was only thinking of Daddy and how much better hims would sleep if me and Mommy wasn't in da room to disturb hims sleep. Mommy didn't go for it and so we went into hers and daddys room to sleep. This was okay for a while and den Mommy decided hers couldn't sleep so we went back downstairs to watch somemore telebision. Later we went back up da stairs and me headed straight for the closed spare bedroom door and waited. And again Mommy said "NO Murphy" We went back into da other bedroom and hers got back into bed with Daddy.

Me was really really worried about Daddy not getting good rest and having a cold in his nose, so me went to Mommy's side of the bed and put me little paw on her arm but hers pushed me away and said "Murphy go lay down on your bed" Me didn't want to!!! Me went back and put both me little paws on her arm and tried again to convince her dat da bestest place for us to be was in the bed in the spare bedroom. Me wasn't doing if for me, honest. Me was only thinking of Daddy. Mommy swatted me nose and made me go lay down. Hers said her knew me just wanted to lay in the big soft bed and it wasn't for Daddy either that me wanted to do this. Woof! Me was to thinking of Daddy and okay me was thinking of how nice it would be to lay on the pillow all snuggled up to Mommy. Maybe tonight.

Murphy the bed hound

Monday, October 24, 2005

Daddy has a cold in his nose

Me Daddy is sick. Him is not feeling well and is really grumpy. Mommy says that's be cause him has a cold in his nose. My nose is cold and me feels just wonderful and wants to play tug of war with Daddy. Me just doesn't understand why x having a cold in Daddy's nose makes him feel grumpy and sick?? Daddy went upstairs to watch the telebision in da bed and Mommy won't let me go up there with him. Me knows that if me could just get up on ta bed with him and lay across his legs or on his head that hims would feel so much better. Me could be Murphy MD (that would be Medic Dog) Mommy thinks that the best thing is to leave Daddy alone to rest and that maybe tomorrow hims will feel better and want to play with this little boxer puppy. Me sure hopes so cause him wasn't much fun tonight. If that's what having a cold in your nose does to me peoples then me is glad to have only a cold nose.

Murphy the Medic Dog

Sunday, October 23, 2005

New friends at the dog park

Mommy thought me needed to go to the dog park today. Me always likes to go there but can't figure out what made hers think me needed to go. Hers was sitting in her chair trying to read the newspaper and me wanted to help her. Me don't think her liked how me wanted to help either. See the best way for a boxer to help hims mommy to read the paper is to sit on her lap, shoulder, head or whatever is available to sit on and lick her face. This seems to make the reading the paper more fun. Me guesses mom had to much fun with all me help and decided it was time to go to the dog park.

It's always exciting to go to the dog park. Beside the one time that mean ole Wheaten Terrier jumped on me its always fun. Today me made friends with a Husky named Nook (Mommy thought him was really handsome) and a Dobbie named Mark. Thems was great fun to play with. Nook knew just how to play with a boxer and hims did play growling too. In fact now me knows how to play growl and bark too when me is playing with mommy. Her goes "Murphy who do you think you are barking at??" and pulls my nose. Anyways it was really lots of fun playing with Nook and Mark and then this really pretty girl dog name Zoe came. Hers was really pretty. Hers had wavy blonde hair and her daddy said hers was a Labradoodle. Woof Woof her was pretty. We was all puppies except for Nook and hims knew just how to play with puppies our size and age. We ran and jumped and slammed into each other all over the place. Me learned how to drink water out of sports bottle. Daddy said that now we didn't have to carry so much stuff to the dog park. It sure was fun but boy was me tired. We all finally was laying under the picnic table panting really hard.

When me got back home me slept for a long time but then me heard mommy reading and had to go sit on her shoulder to help her read.


Thursday, October 20, 2005

Company's here

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, me just loves to meet new peoples!!!! Mommy's bestest friend for where hers used to live a long time ago is here visiting with hers husband Bob. Thems is some really fun people and likes playing with me. This is a really good thing cause me sure likes playing with thems too. Margaret played and played and played with me. Bob would let me go outside with him all the time. Him smoked cigars and me really liked the smell of them things but nobody would let me eat one of them.

Margaret let me have me very first sip of Mead. It was really yummy and me wanted more but hers wouldn't give me anymore.

Margaret seems to think me needs to put on clothes. This is not a good thing cause me didn't want to put on clothes. If hers is cold then hers needs to put on clothes. Don't put them clothes on me! Me has fur to keep me warm!!! Silly person.


This is embarassing!!! How do I get this silly shirt off!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

This is Murphy's Laws

Me is 7 months old and almost a grown up boy. This is tha thing, if me peoples can have rules that me has to follow why can't me have rules thems has to follow. It's time to start writing some new rules and regulations for me peoples. So this is going to be da first draft. Me is sure that this will change along the way when me thinks of new things that need to be made into Murphy's Laws for Humans. These rules aren't going to be in da handbook either, just like da Human's Rules for Boxers isn't in da handbook. Now where is them crayons???

  • Boxers must have the best seat in the house. This is a most important Law cause me has to be positioned so me can see everything from da TV to the outdoors in case thems burglars coming me can hide if necessary. Buff Buff.

  • Boxers have to have lots and lots and lots of toys and toys that squeak are even better. Now Mommy and Daddy are pretty good about making sure there is lots of toys to play with. Thems even bought me new toys on Saturday cause it was my 7th month day. Me loves me new squeaky lion. A whole basket full of toys is really good and a kitty thrown in is even better. Me loves kitties. And this brings us to the next important Law.
  • Never leave da toys in da toy box. See if ya leave da toys in da toy box then Mommy wouldn't have nothin to do. Her job is to pickup da toys that me drags out and it's me job to drag them all back out before hers gets them in there. That 's the law.

  • Boxers should never be left alone outside for more than 10 minutes. Da reason for this rule is because me gets really lonely when separated from me humans. It's much better to have at least one of them outside with me so they can play with me. Being left alone makes me very unhappy. Does that look a happy boxer face to you? No it is not a happy boxer face at all. Dis is the face of a little boxer left outside by himself while his peeps are inside eating da snacks.

  • Having your own pet is really important. See Miss Pitty Pat is me own kitty kat. Hers is way fun to play with but you have to be really careful when you have a kitty for your very own pet. Deems like to hide in your toy box and pretend to be a toy and then when you try to play toss with it you gets into trouble. So if you is going to own a kitty kat be very careful you don't mistake it for a stuffed toy.

  • Boxers must have lots of treats. This is very important!! Boxers need lots of treats and the best treats is off the plates of the Mommy and Daddy. Bones are good too but da best treats are cheese and peanuts especially if that's what Mommy and Daddy are eating. So da rule is this, If Mommy and Daddy is eating something then they have share it with Murphy. This also means that if thems has company for dinner that me gets treats from the guest too. ItÂ’s the only polite thing for da guest to do. Deem guests knew it was really important to feed me treats.

  • Boxers must lay all over their peoples when they is in the middle of doing something important. This is a very good law. If me doesn't lay on me mommy when her is working on her lap top computer thingy or reading the news paper, then how is me supposed to get smart?
  • Dig up the flowers and plants in the garden is really necessary. Since Mommy looks like hers is having so much fun digging holes in the ground to put flowers in, it is important for me to dig them up so hers can have more fun.
  • Escorting Mommy to the bathroom is important boxer business. Me always goes with mommy to the bathroom. Me has to guard her in case her can't get out of the little water pool in there or her needs company.

Thems all the laws for now. Keep watching for more laws to be added. Me is sure there will be many more as me gets older.


Monday, October 10, 2005

There was white stuff

Me was all excited when me got up dis morning. Something was going on outside. It was really quiet and it smelled different. There was some white stuff falling outside. Mommy took me outside like she always does and there it was. It was coming down from da sky and it was soft on me little boxer nose. It wasn't like da water that comes from da sky. That stings me little boxer nose when it lands on it. Me isn't really sure if me likes this white stuff or not cause it was all gone by da time Mommy got home from da work place this afternoon. Hers had said we would go out and play in da white stuff when hers got home but there was no white stuff left. Mommy says not to worry cause it will be back. This is what comes from da sky in da winter time hers says. Me can't wait to see it again and get to play in it.


Sunday, October 09, 2005

There is water falling from the sky!!!!

What is this stuff falling from the sky?? This morning it was cloudy and cool but it wasn't wet outside and it was fun to run around in. Now it’s really cold and really wet and me really doesn’t like it at all. What happened to yesterday’s weather?? Yesterday we was at the Dog Park and having big fun. Today wet stuff falling from the sky. And get this, Mommy says it’s going to snow. Now what is snow?? Her’s says it’s white and wet and it falls from the sky too but it’s not wet like rain. Hers also said me will like going out and playing in it and making doggie snow angels. Well that may be but for now me don't like it much. Me don't even want to go outside to do me business. This is very strange, Mommy and Daddy don't go outside to do there business, thems goes inside and uses the procelian watering bowl. Even the cats have a private place to go. Not me, me has to go outside where everyone can see. Humm this may have to go into the rules me is working on for Mommy and Daddy. Murphy needs to have hims own place to do hims business.......oh wait me guesses the back yard is me space. Okay then, no standing there and watching to be sure me has done it.

Mommy and Daddy went to the football game today. Now me isn't sure what a football game is, but me does have a football. Anyways me got left at home while thems was gone. Me thought that me would have to spend all afternoon and into da evening in me crate. Guess what, them came home early cuz of the wet stuff falling out of the sky. Mommy said hers couldn't stand being cold and wet. Hers says either cold or wet but not both and not when the wind is blowing. Me was happy to have them come home early so we could watch the ball game together. Me and Mommy sat on the couch and eated popcorn together and then me and Daddy ate peanuts together. This football stuff is fun even if I don't know what it is. It means me gets to get special football treats.

Me is going to have to go look out the door and see if this stuff called snow is coming down yet. Mommy says when it starts snowing hers is going to go outside and sit in the big hot bathtub.


Sunday, October 02, 2005

Here is more rules

Daddy says that me has to learn the rules for playing with him. Now me is thinking there sure is a whole bunch of rules for being a boxer house dog first class. Don't get me wrong, me loves being a house dog first class. It's just learning the rules sure is hard, Specially when me thinks me is doing it right already.

So this is the rules for playing with Daddy:
  • No jumping at Daddy's face. This is a very important rule. Me already accidently cut Daddy's eye by jumping up at his face. Me is trying really hard to learn this one but it's hard when Daddy is playing with me and has his face right in front of me. The thing is me gets so excited when playing that me forgets.
  • When playing fetch, me has to let go of the toy when it is brought back to Daddy. This is not always easy cause a game that might have started out as fetch could suddenly turn into a game of tug of war. Being a puppy, me sometimes likes to change the game all of a sudden. If we is already playing tug of war it's okay not to let go of the toy.

  • No putting puppy feet in Daddy's crotch. Hims says it's okay to sniff his crotch if me has to but no putting me little feet in it. Me is scratching me little boxer head over this rule. First of all, me doesn't know what a crotch is or even where it is so how could me know not to put me feet there. This is something me has to figger out so me can learn the rule. It seems like a really important rule cause him's always saying "Murphy, get your feet out of my crotch!!!"

  • No licking! This is really hard cause that is how puppies show they love you. It just comes naturally.

  • No biting Daddy's toes. Daddy says this tickles and even though boxers have the softest lips in the whole wide world, it still tickles. It's okay to lay on or near Daddy's toes when you is chewing a toy cause that keeps them toes warm.

Deems all the rules me knows for now. If there is more then me will have to add them to the list so me can remember them. Me is also going to check the Boxer Union Guide Book to see if them is in there. Me thinks them rules is like the rules for sleeping with Mommy and are kept in a secret place that only Mommy and Daddys knows.


It's dangerous out there

My peoples took me to the dog park again yesterday. It was lots of fun for me cept when the this ole Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier decided to be mean. This is what happened.

Me got sniffeded by some of the dogs. It was embarassing. Them dogs wanted to stick their noses all over me and of course Mommy just had to use the camera thing and take pictures to show everybody. Lucky for me, her camera filled up after two pictures and hers couldn't take no more. Of course with no pictures there is no proof about the mean dog.

After all the sniffing was over we runned all over the place, sniffing and jumping and playing. There was even a place to get water and the mommy's and daddy's would go turn on the water and we would all drink and get our heads wet. Then me meet Max. Him was a nice dog but him scared me at first. Me sat down on me little butt so hims couldn't sniff it. Him said that was rude cause how was hims to know if we had met before and if we liked each other if hims didn't sniff me butt. My goodness, couldn't hims have just sniffed me face and knowed the same thing???? Max decided hims liked me and we played together for a long time.

Then it happened!!!! These peoples came into the dog park with two hairy dogs. Mommy and Daddy was admiring them cause they thought thems was pretty. Yeah thems was pretty okay, pretty mean. Especially the one his Mommy called Mugsly. We was doing the sniffing thing to see if we had all met before and like each other. Me knows for sure me had not met these dogs cause me would have remembered and not let them sniff me. Anyway, the mean ole Mugsly jumped on me and started growling and snapping at me. Me got under the picnic table to hide but hims came under there too. His peoples wanted to see if we could work it out and me was willing but Mugsly didn't want to. Hims jumped on me again and was saying really mean stuff that me didn't understand. His mommy asked if me was nuetered (?) and hers said no. Mugsly's mommy said hims was and he reacted like that around dogs that weren't. Now me doesn't know what nuetered means but if it makes a dog act like that me doesn't want to be it!!!! My mommy said maybe he was jealous cause me had mine and hims didn't. What didn't hims have that me had?? Maybe that was the mean stuff hims was saying that me didn't understand.

Off to check the Boxer Union Guide Book to find out what him's was talking about.


Saturday, October 01, 2005

The rules to sleeping with Mommy

Mommy says there is rules to sleeping in the bed with hers and if me is going to continue to sleep with hers then me has to learn them.
Mommmy says the rules are this

1. If Mommy is sleeping in hers and Daddy's bedroom then no Murphy on the bed. This doesn't seem fair to me. Miss Pitty Pat gets to sleep on the bed with them so why not me?? Me asked Miss Pitty Pat since hers always sleeps in the bed with Mommy, but her just laughed at me and said me had to figger this one out by meself. Me thinks hers doesn't like sharing the bed with me and Mommy.
2. If Mommy goes into the spare bedroom to sleep cause Daddy is snoring then me has to wait for her to get into the bed first. She says this is only fair since her needs some room too. Her says that if me gets in first then there is no room left for her.
3. No laying on top of Mommy's feets and legs. Her says that having a 70# boxer puppy laying across her feets and legs makes them go to sleep and hers can't feel them. Me is scratching me little boxer head over this one. Isn't this the whole idea of sleeping in the bed? Me thoughts you would want to have everything go to sleep including the feets and legs. Her says that it is not a good idea to have the feets and legs go to sleep cause hers can't feel them and if hers had to get up in the middle of the night, hers might fall down.
4. No passing gas in the bed. Mommy says that its not very pleasant to wake up to the smell of rotten eggs cause me farted in the bed. Now this is not something me can help. Me doesn't like waking up to the smell either. In fact me has gotten up and moved from laying on Mommys feets and legs to move to the top of the bed to lay on her head. Which brings me to rule #5.
5. No laying on top of Mommy's head. Her says she likes to be able to breathe while her is sleeping and if me lays on her head then hers can't do it. Her says breathing is important and her really likes to breath except when me is breaking rule number
6. No chewing on bones or other things in the bed. Mommy says that hearing me gnaw on bones or hard rubber toys doesn't make it easy for her to sleep.
7. No licking myself. This also makes it hard to sleep
8. No licking Mommy while her is sleeping. See rule 7 for the reason
9. If me wakes Mommy up to go outside then me has to come back in when me is finished. No playing!!! This makes mommy very crabby. Hers says that playing fetch in the middle of the night is not a good thing. This rule applies if me is sleeping in the bed with her or in the bedroom with her and Daddy. Her says the same goes for rule number 6 and 7 too.
10. No snoring. That's the reason hers got out of her bed with daddy and went to the spare bedroom to sleep and if me is snoring to then hers won't get no sleep.

Me has looked everywhere for the rules but can't find them. What is rules anyway?? Them's not in the Boxer Union Guide Book, cause me looked. Nothing about how to sleep in a bed with your person. Besides her has lots of rules for sleeping. Me will try to follow the rules cause me doesn't want to get kicked out of the bed when Mommy is in the spare bedroom but no wonder peoples are always sleepy. Thems should just do what dogs do, lick themselves a few times, curl up in a ball and go to sleep.


Friday, September 30, 2005

Mommy had a birthday and me is having a month day

It was Mommy's birthday last week and her's and Daddy went off and lefted me for the weekend. Me seems to remember the last time thems went away and lefted me, thems promised to take me on the next trip. Arf!! Her says thems forgot and even if thems hadn't forgotten thems couldn't have take me cause no pets was allowed. Now me is thinking really hard with me little boxer brain and me has come to this thought, how come if thems forgot about taking me, thems remembered to take me to the kennel???? Pretty smart thinking for a little boxer wouldn't ya say.

Me is going to be seven months old tomorrow. Mommy says me is over half grown and like a human teenager person thing. Now me doesn't know what a teenager is but her said O'livia (me human girl) is a teenager and hers is lots of fun. So maybe being a teenager is a good thing for a boxer puppy. Me knows that Daddy is leaving me outside the crate sometimes when him goes to do work stuff. Him has been so happy me hasn't made a mess, or chewed up stuff (other than me toys) or nuthin. Me sure hope that Santa Man person is taking good notes so me can get presents at Christmas.


Saturday, September 17, 2005

Me is the Host

My peoples is having a cookout in our back yard tonight and me gets to go this time. Mommy says it's a test to see if me can be a good boy and not jump on everybody. Me is so excited me can hardly contain meself. It's going to be hard not to jump up and greet all them peoples cause that's what boxers do. If me is good me won't be put into the crate or outside in the kennel where me can only watch. Me is sure these peoples coming is going to want to pet a puppy.

This is me making sure our friends are comfortable and have a little boxer puppy to pet whenever thems wants to. This is a very important job. If Mommy and Daddy didn't have me to go around getting all of them pets then thems would be very unhappy.

See how patiently me is sitting there. Me wants to be sure that everybody gets plenty of food so thems will have enough to share with me if'n thems wants too. And just in case Santa is watching like me pal Baywee says, me didn't try to get no food off the table at all. Me was on me best boxer behavior. Me see's you have a plate of food yous might need some help with. Well me is you puppy and is at your service. If'n you gots something you don't like me is sure me can take it off your hands.

Who let that cat out??? Everything was fine until Daddy let that ole Miss Pitty Pat out of the basement. Me sees her sneaking behind the lady. Hers thinks that since hers is a Southern Kitty that hers should be out playing the Hostess Kitty. Grrr thats me job, not being a hostes kitty, but being the host. Daddy said so. Miss Pitty is so sneaky. Hers is trying to get everybody to notice her, but it's not working. These peoples knows a good boxer puppy

The best part of the cookout was when Daddy's friend Patti brung me some new stuffed animals. Patti says her knew that Mommy and Daddy had lots of stuff, but her knew that a little boxer puppy can never ever have to many stuffed toys. Her brunged me a green fluff frog that goes "ribit ribit" when me bites it and hers brung me the dog me is holding. Me only jumped on one person and licked their face and hers liked it. Me also only knocked down one of the guests but hers was laughing so hard hers must have liked it. Mommy and Daddy kept saying me was being such a good boy. Me thinks Mommy and Daddy can finish the job now. Me has powered down and is resting with me new dog toy. Being a good puppy host is hard work and me is really tired.