We all went to the bedroom to go to sleep and wait for Christmas to get here. Me was all excited cause this was me first Christmas and me just couldn't wait for Santa to come visit our house. In fact me was so excited that me could not get to sleep at all. Mommy was a sleep and Daddy was makingthose pooh pooh sounds hims makes at night, so hims must have been asleep too. All of a sudden me heard something outside that was not supposed to be there. Up on the roof it sounded like there was something walking around. No really, me heard it!!! Me was a little scared and slunked down the stairs to tha window and looked outside. Me went "buff" "buff" really low cause me didn't want to wake Mommy up just in case it wasn't nothing out there. Me runned to tha living room and got up on tha love seat in front of tha window and looked all around. Then me saw something really, really strange. There was a man that looked just like the pictures of Santa walking on his tip toes outside. Really low I went "buff" "buff" again. Hims looked at me and putted his finger to his lips and said "shhh, Murphy, go back to bed and go to sleep"
Well what else could me do. If Santa tells me to be quiet and go to bed, then that's what me has to do, so me trotted back up them stairs and settled down by Mommy's side of the bed. Me couldn't stay there cause there was some more noise coming from up on that roof and it sounded like it was over tha spare bedroom. Me had to get up and go look again. Me crouched down and crept down tha stairs again and looked in tha den. Now it sound like something was jumping up and down on that roof and there was stuff falling down that hole in tha wall next to daddy's chair. Mommy says this is a fireplace and Santa needs it to deliever his presents. Why Santa would want to get in a place that has fire me don't know but that's what Mommy says.
Then there was an awful, terrible noise that sounded like something sliding down the hole in the wall. BAM! Something heavy hitted the bottom of the hole in tha wall and than Thud!! something else hitted the bottom of that place.
Me was trying me very best to be the brave little boxer puppy that me is. "BUFF, BUFF, WOOF, WOOF" me said and backed up from the hole in the wall. "Grrr, grrr, grrr" was about as brave as this little boxer puppy could get. What if it WAS Santa and me was barking and growling at hims. Hims might not think me is a good little puppy at the last minute and not leave me any presents. But then again, what if it was a monster???? And what if it was a monster that liked to eat little boxer puppies??? Me runned back up the stairs and darted into Mommy and Daddy's bedroom, curled up on the floor and put me paws over me eyes. Maybe if me couldn't see hims, then Santa or what ever it was couldn't see me. Me must have gone to sleep cause a little while later me hears another noise. It sounded like bells and snorting and someone saying "HO HO HO, Merry Christmas Murphy the little Boxer Puppy, Merry Christmas."
Mommy says me dreamed it all and me really only say someone outside tha window just once, but me is certain it was Santa. There was presents under tha tree this morning. So it had to been him.
Thanks Santa for all the lovely presents. Me loves me new bed and the frisbee and the big bone and the new toy. Me is going to chew on me new toy for awhile.
Your friend
Murphy, who didn't mean to growl at you .
1 comment:
Murphy, dat is so cool dat you got to see Santa Claus!! I wanted to see him, but fings just didn't work out for Christmas at our house dis year. I got a wot ob stuff dough, so I was happy about dat!!
Your pal,
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