Wednesday, December 28, 2005

This does not seem fair to me

My bully pal Baywee got a really cool new toy to cuddle with. It is a really, really big stuffed blue donkey. (Me didn't know that donkeys come in tha color blue but that is not tha problem here.) It looks like it would be just tha perfect thing for a little boxer puppy to cuddle with when hims was left alone. See doesn't this look like a lovely way to take a nap???? Well there is a little, tiny problem with this picture.

My mommy has a stuffed blue donkey just like this one that Baywee is taking a nice little nap with. That's it on top of the TV. My mommy told me that it was NOT a toy for little boxer dogs. Hers says that her two legged children gave it to her a long time ago and that it was for her and not for little boxer dogs.

Her usually keeps this blue donkey on top of her bed way up in the tall part of tha headboard so a little boxer can't get to it. Now this might seem like a very good idea to her, but it doesn't seem like a good idea to me. What does hers thinks me is going to do??? Tear it up like me does with all me other stuffed toys?? Why of course not!!! Me wouldn't ever do nothing like that. Me would just pull it up in me chair and snuggle up to it just like Baywee does, honest Mommy!!! Really me would just love it to pieces that's all.

Me thinks that it would be a very much better idea if hers gave it to me to cuddle up with and take naps with just like Baywee. This is not fair and me is very, very sure that in the Boxer Union Book there is something there about Mommy's needing to share all of thems stuffed toys with thems boxer puppys. Me is going to check into this. In the mean time me has to figure out how to get this blue donkey down from way up in the high place especially since me is not allowed on the grown up bed. After all if Baywee can have a blue donkey then me wants the one Mommy has.

Murphy (who wants a blue donkey too)

1 comment:

bay said...

Murph - dis is baywee. I fink dat you should hab dis eeyore guy. What does your mommie need wiff a stuffed donkey?? Dis just isn't right!! Dis donkey ob yours doesn't get to sweep wiff anyone if he's all da way up on top ob dat headboard. If you're mom's not going to sweep wiff it den she should wet you!! I know dat you would be a weally good boy wiff him!!

Your pal,
