Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Can you spot the differences???

We sure can. Mommy iz being funny again. Me iz going to show you the firzt picture and then tha second picture. There iz 14 (me thinkz) thingz that herz added. Can you find them? Me iz sure she didn't mean to make thiz into a game but what tha heck, if herz is going to doctor picturez of her boyz then we iz going to make gamez out of them. And juzt for tha record, me haz yet to see a picture of that ole stinky kitty that haz been changed to make her look silly.

Thiz iz picture #1 the way Mommy took it. Lookz pretty nice thiz way don't you think? Can you find all of tha changez??

This is picture #2 where Mommy haz gone and played around with stuff. Pretty silly don't ya think.

Merry Christmaz eberybody!! We iz going to look silly and hope it doez the trick to get lotz of presentz. We hope you all get lotz too.

Murphy, Bugz and Lily (who didn't have to be in tha picture)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Tha Trickz we haz to learn for a treat!!!

Mommy haz been watching way to much Animal Planet and for sure way to much of It'z Me or tha Dog (az if there would be a choice). Mommy now fancyz herself a dog trainer from tha thingz herz haz learned from watching that silly show. Like tonight for instance.

Tonight Mommy decided it would be a really good idea if me and Bugz E Doodle learned how to "shake" and how to "leave it". All of this training waz done with these really wonderful, tasty peanut butter treatz. Me had to sit and when Mommy said "paw" me waz to life up me paw and give it to her then herz would give me a tha treat. Now Mommy didn't care which paw it waz just so long az me gave her me paw. After two or three timez of asking for me paw, reaching down and picking up me paw and then giving me tha yummy treat me got it. Me iz after all a very smart Boxer boy. Only problem with learning this trick so fast iz this, when herz showed Daddy how smart me waz I gave her me paw and didn't get no treat. This happened several timez too!!! I'd give Mommy me paw when she asked and tha only thing me got waz a pat on me big ole head and a "good boy". That really don't seem fair to me.

Bugz on tha other paw waz even smarter than me. Himz pretended himz didn't understand what Mommy wanted himz to do and sat there looking puzzled or lay down (which iz what we usually haz to do to get a treat). Mommy would reach down and pick up himz paw and give him tha treat anyway. Me iz pretty sure himz knowz what her wanted himz just outsmarted her.

The other thing Mommy made uz do waz sit and watch az herz put a treat on tha floor while her said "leave it". This meant we had to leave that little peanut butter treat on tha floor right in front of our facez until her said "free". Both me and Bugz learned that one really fast cauze we haz to sit and wait to eat our dinner until Daddy sayz "free". Mommy and Daddy thinkz that we should work for our dinnerz and treatz and this iz how we earnz them by learning stupid dog trickz and leaving our treatz and dinner until we is "freed".

Me iz hopeful this will all pay off in tha end. Christmaz iz next Thruzday and me thinkz that if me and Bugz learnz these new trickz we will get lotz and lotz of stuff for Christmas. (hope Mommy and Daddy seez this and getz tha word to Santa)


Tuesday, December 09, 2008

This is too much!!!

Our mommy has gone over tha top with this!!!! Hers saw our friends Cassie and Hunter's Christmas pictures and had to know how their Mommy made such "cute" Christmas pictures and of course their Mommy shared tha web site. The results are berry, berry embarrassing.

Can you believe our Mommy, who claims to love us berry much did this to me??? This is bad enough but it gets worse. Look what hers did to Bugs picture.

We guesses if this is what we has to do to get Santa to bring presents then it's a sacrifice we is willing to make but it sure is whomiliating!!!

Murphy and Bugs

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgibing Weekend

We sure does love Thanksgibing Weekend. Why? Cause we gets to celebrate Bugs' "gottcha day" for one thing. It's been two years since Mommy and Daddy went all tha way to Texas to get Bugs. Me sure is glad thems did to cause me and Bugs are tha berry bestest of friends. Bugs is glad too cause, being the mischievious dog that hims is, if someone else had adopted hims thems might not have been able to cope with his Great Dane ways. Instead hims is in hims forever home and for this we is both thankful.

Tha other reason we love Thanksgibing weekend is because it's a four day weekend and our peoples has been here with us tha whole time, except when thems went to see Uncle Rick and Auntie Donna for turkey and to meets thems new baby boy Bodie (which stnds for Best Overall Dog Ever with an i for good measure) Hims a 10 week old Border Collie/English Shepherd mix. We hasn't met hims yet but we got a good sniff of hims when our peoples came home that night. Do you know that not only did them desert us for tha evening to eat turkey, but thems didn't bring us any home!!! Anyway we is both thankful for 4 day weekends and habing our peoples with us.

Murphy and Bugs

Friday, November 07, 2008

Uh oh! We is in BIG TROUBLE!!!!

Me and Bugs didn’t do nothin, really we didn’t do nothing much. It was all that stinkin kitty Lily’s fault. If hers had stayed in hers room where hers should have been it wouldn’t have happened!!!

See ole Lily Pants (what a silly name) has been comin out of hers room to snuggle up to Bugs, you all have seen tha pictures. If me was Bugs, me would have been embarrassed to have Mommy take pictures of an ole stinkin cat rubbin up against me. Anyway, hers had been rubbin on Bugs and hims was takin it and then Mommy went upstairs to tha little girls room and ole Lily Pants decided hers was going to be brave and go in with Mommy instead of stayin in hers room. Bugs was just standin there watching her prance by with that tail of hers straight up in tha air like hers was the queen of tha world. Me came upstairs and that’s when all hell (Mommy’s word not mine) broke loose.

Bugs saw me and got excited and rushed into tha bathroom after Lily and me followed him to see what was so interesting. There hers was in tha corner. All me wanted to do was sniff her. Bugs has been sniffing her and me wanted to get a good whiff of her as well. WELL, Bugs got excited and went after Lily and that got me excited so I went after her too. With both of us going after Lily, Mommy got excited and started screaming at us to leave Lily alone. Hers had hold of Bugs so hims couldn’t get after Lily but me had me face buried in Lily’s tummy to get a good smell and me thinks that’ what scared Mommy. Hers thought me was going to bite Lily. Daddy came running and hims was yelling and it got really exciting then! Me and Bugs thoughts thems was encouraging us and Lily was trying really hard to get to her room. All that noise was very confusing but finally Daddy got hold of me collar (me REALLY, REALLY hates having someone drag me by me collar) and that gave Lily time to escape into her room.

Mommy was worried cause hers saw blood on Lily’s tummy but me swears on the bag of dog bones, me did not bite her. Me slobbered on her, but me did not bite her!! It turns out tha blood was from Daddy and hims broken finger nail. After all that and not hurtin that ole kitty, we got locked in our crates while Mommy checked out Lily to be sure hers wasn’t hurt. Mommy says WE just set back all the progress Lily and Bugs has made. How is it our fault??? Don’t that ole kitty get some blame??

Murphy and Bugs (who is innocent!!!)

Thursday, November 06, 2008

It's cold!

Me and Bugs are pups of berry little fur and it is getting cold and we is not liking it at all. Me thinks the warm Indian Summer days of last weekend is gone. It was cold enough last night for Mommy to build a nice big fire in da fire place. Me and Bugs was sacked out on our love seat next to tha fire place, soaking up all that nice heat. Daddy boughted lots of wood for tha winter and we sure is hoping thems plans on having lots of fires to keep us puppies warm. In fact it would be really, really nice if Mommy would start a fire right now. Me wonders if me thinks really, really hard and use psp (puppy sensory perception) if hers will get me message and start a fire???


Sunday, November 02, 2008

Lily Pants

We is all making progress in learning how to get along together. Bugs and Lily Pants has eben been touching noses sometimes. She's stopped running ebery time her sees us coming and Bugs has stopped, mostly, chasing her. Me thinks hims has figgered out hers is not a pesky squirrel. Most mornings now that ole Lily Pants comes out of her room and rolls around on tha floor in front of Bugs. Sometimes hers will eben rub up against him but then when Bugs tries to sniff her, Lily will swat hims face with her paw. Hers has eben done it to me once or twice.

The other night hers came all the way downstairs and into tha den where we was all watching our favorite show "Animal Planet" Me thinks her would have stayed but Bugs saw her sitting on the step and got excited cause her was in hims territory and took off after her.

Sometimes Bugs will lay in tha hall outside of Lily's room and wait for her. Mommy says hims gets really focused and tunes out eberthing but watching Lily. Why that silly dog is so obsessed with Lily me doesn't know. She's just a stinkin ole cat. In fact that's Bugs E Doodle esq there just waiting to see if Lily will come out from under tha gate so hims can sniff her. See how he's berry, berry focused and all cause of a cat!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Caged Critters

Now tell me if you thinks this a fair way to treat man's best friend. Me and the Bugs E Doodle esq was sequesterd (big word for a little boxer) to our outdoor kennel while Daddy pushed tha wheel barrel back and forth with wood in it. For some silly human reason hims thought that it would be a really good thing to do this without the assistance of hims tow bestest friends. Me guesses hims didn't realize that a doggie escort would have helped make this work hims was doing go much faster and we would have gotten some exercise too!! Why me bets if hims had asked, me and Bugs would have been glad to carry pieces of wood to tha back yard in our mouths. In fact we would have been really happy to play "beaver dog" and chewed on a couple sticks of wood while we watched hims work. Sometimes ya gots to wonder about your humans. Thems just don't reason like us dogs do.

Murphy, who has finally been released from the outdoor kennel.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We is down some family members

Auntie Margaret and Hank moved into thems own apartment almost two weeks ago. This is a good and a bad thing. We misses thems both but it's really, really nice to not have to watch me p's and q's where Auntie Margaret is concerned. Her's admits that her's doesn't understand tha bounderies of a dog like me. Her's thinks that if it's cute and furry it should be huged and kissed on. Well that's not always tha case and me tried me best to let her know that but hers never did get me signals. Now don't get me wrong, me loves Auntie Margaret but hers never did learn hers place in tha pack and as far as me was concerned hers place was below me. In fact her's not knowing her place in tha pack got me demoted to tha bottom. This is not a good thing cause me has always been after Mommy and Daddy.

The down side of not having thems here is we miss thems!! Auntie Margaret does bring Hank over every day during tha week for doggie day care so we gets to see him for 8-9 hours a day. This is good cause Hank and Bugs can play and leave me alone to do me job, which is to guard tha house.

Murphy tha guard dog who wants to be premoted back to hims rightful place in tha pack

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mommy's birsday

Mommy had a birsday last weekend and Daddy tooked her camping and lefted us at home with Auntie Margaret and Hank. We was not happy dogs at all!! Thems alwayz takez us camping! Last year themz even took us away for mommy's birsday to stay in a cabin but not thiz year. Nope this year themz wanted to go be by themselvez. Me and Bugz doesn't understand how thems could possibly want to go anywhere without thems boyz.

We waz pretty unhappy and didn't even want to eat dinner on Friday night. To make matterz even worse Mommy had told Auntie Margaret to keep the gatez up so me and Bugz couldn't get upstairz to sleep in our own bedz which meant we had to sleep in tha den. The only good thing waz Hank got to stay in tha den with us. We waz going to have a real doggie boyz night!! Auntie Margaret went to bed and lefted us alone and the party began. We waz running up and down tha stairz from tha den to tha kitchen and out thru tha dog door and back again. We waz barking and running and playing and having a really good time. There was nobody to tell us to go to bed or be quiet or nothing! We was having so much fun chasing each other around we didn't hear Auntie Margaret come back up from her basement room. BUSTED!!! She yelled at us to get inside and be quiet and get in our cratez.

Boy she can be a real doggie party pooper! Her told Mommy we sounded like a herd of elephantz stomping around. Since me has neber heard a herd of elephantz or even seen one, me has nothing to compare her remark to and me doubtz we was that loud at all. We did settle down though and go to sleep for the rest of the night.

The next day me and Bugz appeitete was back and we was hungry and ate all our food. We sure did miss our peoplez though, hungry or not. Auntie Margaret is nice and we likez her a lot, cept when she is wiping our facez, but her isn't our peoplez and we sure waz mopy. We didn't feel like partying to much on Saturday night cauze we wanted to be rested for when our peoplez got home on Sunday and okay we waz really tired from playing half the night before. When Mommy and Daddy got home on Sunday we couldn't even keep our feetz on the ground we waz so glad to see themz!!! Me sure hopez themz don't go away again and leavez us anytime soon.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Who's sleeping in my bed?

This is Bugs E Doodle esq here, I just wanted to tell everybody that having a big brother isn't always a good thing!!! Just look at this! All I did was get out of my little bed to go get a drink of water and that ole Murphy got out of his bed and got into mine.

I tried and tried to get him to back to his bed but he wouldn't go. Finally I had to just force my way in and try to lay down beside him. That ole dog woudn't budge an inch! And Mommy, instead of making Murphy get up and go to his own bed was busy taking pictures, as if this needed to be recorded for history.

Bugs E Doodle esq

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bugz 2nd birthday

We had a birthday party today!! It waz Bugz 2nd birthday and we include Hank to cuz himz birthday waz July 4th and Mommy and Daddy didn't know it. Now that Bugz is two him is considered a grown up dog like me and Hank but don't think the Bugz E Doodle knows this. Me don't think that silly dog will ever be serious like me.

As usual we gotz 2 double cheeze burgerz and custard for dinner. The only problem with birthday parties is we still have to mind our mannerz. Daddy made Bugz sit and wait for himz dinner just like it waz any other day.

Then when himz had showed himz still remembered himz mannerz himz waz allowed to eat himz birthday dinner.

In fact we all had to sit and wait for our dinnerz. This does not seem very fair when it is a special day like a birthday. After tha dinner of double cheeze burgerz we got our birthday ice cream. Notice me ice cream bowl is on tha red carpet and nobody elsez is.

Poor cousin Hank didn't know what to make of tha birthday party. Himz mommy don't do parties for him like our peoplez do. His mommy had to encourage him to come to tha party but it didn't take long to figger it out.

Mommy even got presentz for everybody. Me and Hank got chew bonez and Bugz got a chew fish and himz won't share and has just about chewed it to piecez. We is all really tired after tha party. It's hard going to parties.

A major discovery!

There haz been a major discovery!!! It'z been discovered that me is not a Boxer/American Bulldog BUT a Boxer/English Mastiff. Itz true, Mommy and her friend Maggie (not to be confused with Auntie Margret) waz on themz work break and had gone for a walk when thiz man came around tha coner towardz them. On the end of himz leash waz a dog that Mommy thought waz me!! Hers knew it couldn't be cause me waz at home but just tha same it made her catch her breath. Now where her breath wasz running away to that she had to catch it me don't know, it'z just what she said.

Mommy stopped the man and asked him about himz dog. Hims said tha dogz name was Frank and himz waz a boxer/english mastiff mix that himz had rescued. Themz compared notez and had a nice conversation. Mommy said that what made her realize it wasn't me waz tha fact that this dog had more white on himz chest than me but except for that she would of sworn somebody and dognapped me.

Now tha really intersting thing about all this waz that when Mommy first brought me home and took me to visit Dr. Caldwell, her (Dr. Caldwell) said if herz had to guess she would say me was boxer and mastiff not boxer / american bulldog. Looks like me vet is a very smart lady.

Murphy, who haz discovered another side of himself.

Cousin Hank

Mommy finally got them picturez downloaded and haz breathing time to update me blog. It'z about time too, cuz thiz dog waz about to forget some of tha thingz that'z happened thiz summer. If me is lucky hers will take dictation (what eber that iz) for a couple adventurez.

If you rememberz the last time me wrote (with the help of Mommy) Auntie Margert and cousin Hank had come to stay with us for a while. Thingz haz turned out real good in that area. Hank haz learned hiz place in tha order of tha pack, which iz tha bottom but himz don't seem to mind to much. Isn't him a handsome fellow, all shiny and black. Of course himz isn't as handsome az me.

Hank really likez living here with us too. Himz getz treatz from Daddy and getz to sleep on the dog couch and go camping too! We taughted him how to be a camping dog just like me and Bugz. The best of all is himz has two buddiez to play with all day long, except me don't like to play all day long like Hank and Bugz do. Hank and Bugz just lovez to play keep away. And you know all know how Bugz just haz to have tha toy you iz playing with.

Even if we had the very same toy, which me and Bugz doez, then that ole silly Bugz wantz them all and isn't happy until himz getz them all. Lucky fog Bugz that Hank isn't a dominate male like me. There would be troublez then thatz for sure.

For tha most part me just watchez them to play cause being the older brother and the older cousin somebody has to be in charge and guess who that is.

For tha most part thingz haz been really good. Me and Auntie Margaret haz had a few disagreementz, like her not understanding tha me iz not a submissive dog or that when me goez into me crate itz me safe place and to leave me alone. Me is very sorry to say that me haz snapped at her 3 timez cause her getz in me face and yellz at me. Me triez to tell her to stop but herz doesn't seem to understand boxer talk. Mommy told her that when me sayz "roo, roo, roo" that me iz telling her to leave me alone that me has gone to tha safety of me crate and not to mess with me there. Me is alwayz really sorry afterwardz but sometimez a dogz gotta do what a dogz gotta do. Me lovez Auntie Margaret and would never ever bite her but boy or boy she can be slow understanding me. Thiz week haz been better cauze we haven't had no problemz, maybe you can train humanz after all.


Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's been a week since Auntie Margaret and Hanky Poo came to live with us and boy have me and the Bugs E Doodle had fun with Hanky Poo!!!! That little lab sure does like to play and play and play. This is a good thing cause me gets worn out playing with Bugs all of tha times. Having Hanky Poo around helps take tha pressure off of this little boxer pup!!! Bugs and Hank plays keep away and when thems gets out of line or two rowdy it's me job to run in and breaks up tha action. Sometimes this means me has to body slam one or the other of them two boys and sit on them. Our peoples is even leaving us alone at home for short periods of time and we is all good boys!

Me has taken on another job too. Mommy is having to get up earlier in tha morning so hers can ride the light rail (what ever that is) to work. When the alarm goes off it's me job to go bark at her 2 or 3 times to make sure hers is awake, then me goes back to me little bed. AND me is a smart enough boxer to know that me only has to do it Monday thru Friday. Mommy thinks it's cute that me has taken on this responsibility for her. It's just another job for this boxer is all.

As soon as Mommy puts some new batteries in her camera hers will take pictures to post.

Oh yeah we is all going camping next weekend.


Sunday, July 06, 2008

Our world has changed

My goodness it's been ober a month since me has been able to use Mommy's laptop and write me story. Lots and lots has happened since then. Mommy went to visit her human children for a whole week tha end of May. It was tha longest week but then hers came home and me and Bugs was soooooooo happy. Then me and Bugs went camp with our peoples and that was a great adventure too. But that's not where our world changed, nope that happened on Thursday of last week.

Mommy's friend, our Auntie Margaret, came to stay with us for awhile and she brought her dog, our cousin Hank, and her kitty Diva with her. Mommy and Daddy was worried at first about how things would work out with me, Bugs and Hank. That was silly, me showed Hank me was the top dog right away and things has been good ever since. Hank is lots of fun to play with cause hims lets me and Bugs beat him up. Hims said this was the first time hims has played with other dogs and hims didn't know the rules. You better believe me and Bugs taught him tha rules, our rules of course.

But the bestest thing that happened was when her stinking kitty Diva came up out of tha basement and went upstairs to visit with Miss Lily Pants. Me heard that kitty and was woofin at her. When Mommy came to see what was going on a flash of black and white kitty came flying down the stairs and up on top of the curtian rod. Auntie Margaret was trying to push me away from tha couch and Mommy was yelling for Daddy to get the remote (me had me electronic collar on) and Hank and Bugs was trying to help me get to the kitty. It was lots and lots of fun!! Of course Daddy found the remote and Mommy grabbed Bugs by the collar and put him in hims crate and then Hank settled down. But boy there was some action there for a little bit.

Me don't know how long cousin Hank is going to be here but it sure is fun!


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mommy is leaving!!!!

This is true! Mommy is leaving me, her handsome boy, Bugs E Doodle esq, stinky kitty Lily and Daddy. No hers is not leaving us for good, just for 10 days and that is almost for good by dog standards. Hers is leaving tomorrow to go to Virginia to see her human kids and her's not taking us with her. Me can't believe hers isn't takin me!!!! Who is going to keep her company when hers is driving across Kansas??? Daddy says Kansas is boring. Me doesn't know where Kansas is but if it's boring then Mommy would need me to keep her company. What is all of us going to do without Mommy? Her said her would call us everyday and take lots of pictures to share but it's not the same as taking us with her. We likes to travel don't you know.


Sunday, May 04, 2008

Nose to nose with Lily

Mommy said it was bound to happen sooner or later and it did this weekend. Mommy was in her office working and Lily went in to join her on tha table. Then it happened! Bugs came running into tha office and sticked hims nose right in Lily's little face and them's touched noses for a second. Me thinks both of thems was surprised cause Bugs E Doodle jumped back and Lily hissed and all of hers fur fluffed up. Mommy was surprised too cause hers didn't see either of thems two come in and all of a sudden there is hissing and scrambling around.

Bugs came downstairs to tell me all about hims first close up meeting with Lily. Hims said that sure enough hers was a stinky kitty! Hims also said that Lily thought she could scare him bu fluffing up her fur and making herself look bigger but hims, Bugs E Doodle esq was not fooled at all. Of couse hims being the gentleman dog hims is, Bugs didn't want to hurt Lily's feelings so hims acted like hers scared him. Bugs thinks this might help Lily build up her confidence and she will come downstairs and join us in tha evenings. Me thinks it's working a little bit cause hers came down into that kitchen for a few minutes tonight. We was in our crates so me thinks hers felt safe enough to take little Lily steps and try to come join us.


Monday, April 28, 2008

Bunnies and Boxers don't mix

Mommy says bunnies and boxers just don't mix and me is here to tell ya this is tha truth!!!!

Saturday me was just looking out tha front door and what do you think me saw?? A BUNNY!!! Yes, there was a bunny sitting right there in me front yard. Me was so outraged that me jumped up on tha door and guess what? Tha door opened up. Well this was an unexpected turn of events and it surprised me enough to jump back and that's when Mommy grabbed tha door and shut it hard. It was a good thing to cause me was going to go after that ole bunny. Instead me and the Bugs E Doodle had to sit on tha couch and stare out tha picture winda at the furry little critter. It was just sitting there puffing it's little bunny checks at us. We was clawing at tha winda and barking at the bunny but it wasn't scared of us at all. No sir, it just sat there puffing it's cheeks at us. Even when Daddy came in through tha front door it sat there. Next time me sees that bunny and jumps on tha door and it opens, me is out like a light to get that ole bunny, you just wait and see.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Don't call me Spot

My peoples has taken to calling me Spot. Why you ask? Well remember back a few months ago when me had tha booboo on me little forehead? Mommy spent lots of money trying to find something to make tha booboo go away but tha Vet finally said it would most likely heal on it's own. Well it did and it lefted a round place on me head that was like a scar but then the hair started to grow back in only some of it was white. Well, Mommy was being funny and and decided thems should nickname me Spot. is not a Spot, that's a name you would give a dog that has spots on it, sorta like Bugs. Hims has spots, kinda of. Me has a few white hairs on me wrinkled forehead but that doesn't make me a Spot. And me won't answer to it either. Mommy says "come here Spot" but me ignores her. That silly human knows me name is Murphy or even tha Murphster but not Spot!!!

On to another subject.......Miss Lily. Yep that stinky kitty has been with us for a month yesterday and hers is showing no signs of leaving. Tha other night hers went on a little midnight stroll though tha house. Me guesses hers thought because me and Bugs E Doodle was in bed sleeping it would be a good time to splore tha house. Not a chance! That ole Bugs heard her padding down tha stairs and off hims went hot on her little tail with me right behind him. Mommy heard us scampering down tha stairs and around tha living room and jumped out of tha bed. Her said her saw a little white streak come zooming up tha stairs and back into Lily's safe place with us in hot pursuit. We almost had her!!!

Murphy, don't call me Spot

Friday, March 14, 2008

Me is happy to report

that the new kitty, Lily or Miss Lily Pants as Mommy was calling her today, made it just fine through her surgery today. This means 0ur Mommy is a happy Mommy again. I heard Mommy say that she was really worried and scared the same thing might happen to Lily that happened to Simon last week. Everything went well and that little ole stinkin kitty will be living with us for a long time which means we really do have a baby kitty sister. Right now hers is curled up in tha middle of tha bed like hers was a princess. Well hers may be Princess Lily but me is tha first prince and Bugs is tha 2nd prince so that means we gets tha bestes treatment. So there you ole stinkin girl kitty!!

Now me and Bugs and Lily needs to get to know each other.


Saturday, March 08, 2008

A new kitty sister

Mommy wasn't kidding when her said hers didn't want to wait to long to get us another kitty. Her was afraid we would forget what a kitty was. Me thinks Mommy really was lonely for Simon and used me and Bugs as an excuse to get another kitty right away.

Hers found another siamese kitty that is close to tha same age as Simon was. This one is a little girl that Mommy has named Lily cause her is so dainty and pretty. Hers came to live with us today. Me and Bugs hasn't seen her yet but we sure can smell her girl kitty stink. We isn't nearly as excited about this kitty cause we know what a kitty is now. Mommy said this one is used to dogs so if we is lucky we can all play together soon.

Lily's eyes really don't glow yellow that's just that flash on Mommy's camera. Her eye is blue. Mommy has set her up in Simon's old room so me guesses it's now Lily's room. Me sure hopes nothing happens to this kitty cause it sure did make me and Bugs berry, berry sad to see our Mommy crying and so sad.


Thursday, March 06, 2008

1 month and 15 days later

Our Mommy is so very, very sad tonight and we feels sad for her. See today hers took that ole Simon kitty to tha vet to be altered and hers didn't get to get to bring him home. Tha vet called to tell Mommy that Simon had come through surgery just fine and bouncing around being hims kitty self and hers could pick him up this afternoon. Then just before her left work to go get that silly kitty tha vet called to say hims had died. Tha vet isn't sure what happened but hers was going to try and find out. Mommy said it was hard to tell who was crying harder, her or Dr. Pierce.

We couldn't believe it when Mommy told us today and let us into Simon's room this afternoon. Me and Bugs was looking all over for him with our nubbins waggin. We even looked under tha bed for him and Bugs was barking for him but that ole Simon wasn't there just hims kitty stink.

Just when we was all starting to get along and used to each other too!!! Hims wasn't really all that bad and hims couldn't help it that hims ran when hims saw us. We was starting to work it all out too. Me and Bugs could sit and look at him through tha gate and he wouldn't run from us. In fact hims and Bugs came almost nose to nose yesterday morning and just sat and looked at each other.

We know Mommy is going to miss him and we is going to miss him too. Maybe we will get another kitty sometime soon before we forgets about how to act around them and we hopes this one will stay around and make Mommy as happy as Simon did.

Murphy and Bugs

Saturday, March 01, 2008


It finally got here! Today is me 3rd birfday and Daddy says me sure is big for a 3 year old. Hurmph, me is the normal size for a 3 year old. What does him expect when hims oldest boy is a Boxer/American Bulldog mix, a Chihuahua?

It was a wonderful day! Mommy bought me a new toy (Bugs got one too). The toy says squeaka, squeaka, squeaka when me squeezes it. Me just LOVES this new toy but that ole Bugs keeps trying to steal if from me even though hims got a new squeaky toy too.

Then the bestest thing of all, me Birfday dinner! Me peoples went to Mickey D's and got two DOUBLE cheese burgers and some banilla ice cream, yeah they got ole Bugs E Doodle some too. See how nicely me was sitting and licking me lips while Mommy was arranging me birfday dinner. Bugs was crowding Mommy, but not me. Me was being really good and "waiting" until it was time to eat.

Being good has it's rewards and me got a most excellent dinner, complete with dessert. The only problem was that it didn't last to long. Even though Mommy cut them cheeseburgers up into small bite size morsels, me gobbled them up.

You Pal Murphy (who is now an adult dog)

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Boy oh boy, is Mommy a sucker for boxer hugs. All me has to do to get what me wants is to snuggle up to her and give her some really good boxer hugs.....then me springs tha trap!!!!

Tonight me was doing just that. Me got up on her lap (all 115#'s of me) and laid me big ole head on her and just loved on her and loved on her. THEN when me had her all loved up on, me sprung tha trap!!! See me and Bugs E Doodle esq wanted to go for a ride. Me got off of Mommy and started prancing around and barking. Arf! Arf! Arf! me said and Mommy knew her was had. Her knew we wanted to go for a ride so her sucked it up and took us for a ride. We loves to hang our heads out of tha window and have tha wind blowing our ears back. And tha smells....humans have no idea what them is missing but not having a sense of smell like us dogs. We can tell all kinds of things just by the smells in tha air.

Now here is tha thing, her thinks her is fooling us by only taking us around the block. Nah.........we knows exactly what her is doing and we don't care. We is just happy to go for a ride, even if it is a short ride. Me is ready to go get in me little bed and take a nap.

Murphy who is 4 days away from being 3

Monday, February 25, 2008

Left alone

Mommy and Daddy went away for tha weekend with thems friends and didn't take us. Me and Bugs was left alone all weekend, from Friday afternoon til Sunday afternoon. Well okay we wasn't quite left all alone. Auntie Julia and Uncle Mike and thems boy Nick came to stay with us.

It's fun to have Auntie Julia and Uncle Mike come stay with us cause even though thems knows tha rules for us dogs but we can fool them and get away with stuff. Bugs really, really had a good time cause hims was playing with Nick tha whole time. Bugs really liked having a human boy to play with. Me, well me thought it was fun too but me was more content sitting in tha living room on tha couch looking out tha window. Me likes to watch tha world from there and watch for Mommy and Daddy to come home.

Me also has a Simon update. That stinkin ole kitty is getting really brave. Hims comes out of hims room and wanders around upstairs all of the times. When hims hears us coming hims don't run like before. Hims goes to hims gate and sits there for a few seconds to see if we is coming. Then hims calmly goes under tha gate and into hims room and looks at us. Hims don't even run and hide anymore when Bugs charges tha gate. You know what me thinks? Me thinks that darn ole kitty is getting over being afraid of us.

Murphy who is 5 days away from being 3 years old.

Monday, February 18, 2008

It's almost me brifday!!!

We is days away from me being 3 years old and that means me is a mature adult dog. This is a good thing and a bad thing. Me can't use the excuse of being a puppy any more and that's a bad thing. The good thing is me has turned into quite the handsome fellow. Me knows this is true cause Mommy is always telling me how handsome me is. BUT the very bestest thing of all is me gets to have cheeseburgers for me birfday dinner and to finish it off me gets to have a cup of banilla custard. WOOF WOOF WOOF!!!

Now here's the question and it's a berry berry important question, does me get to have the same number of cheesburgers as me is old??? That would mean 3, count them 3 cheese burgers and that would be a berry good thing. Of course Bugs couldn't have that many cause hims is still a baby and that would maybe upset hims tummy not to mention it wouldn't be fair for hims to have as many as me.

Murphy who is almost 3 years old.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's still here!

That darn cat is still here!!!! We still hasn't been able to get close enough to sniff it or lick it either.

Mommy brought Simon down one evening and put hims in Bugs crate and locked tha door. Hers thought if we could all get a good look at each other and sniff each other that we would be friends. That didn't happen. What did happen was this. Me and Bugs was waggin our nubbins and barking hellos to Simon and what did that stinkin kitty do?? Hims was hissing and growling at us that's what hims was doing. Now me don't know what you think but personally this little boxer don't think that was very friendly of Simon at all. After all hims was in Bugs crate, stinkin it up with kitty smell. Well this just didn't make me and Bugs berry happy so we tried to get into tha crate so we could have a close up and personal dog to kitty type conversation. That didn't sit to well with Mommy and hers went and putted our electronic collars on us to make us behave. This worked for Bugs but not me so Mommy put me in me crate right next to stinky Simon. HUGE HUGE mistake!!! Me was lunging and jumping in my crate to get into the crate with Simon so Mommy had to seperate the crates. Finally things settled down a little bit. Me was laying in me crate sulking, Bugs was laying outside hims crate sulking and Simon was inside Bugs crate sulking and growling really low. Mommy said all in all it was a dog and kitty show that wasn't working real well. Her said the next time she would try this with just one dog at a time. Good luck is all me can say.

Me almost forgot!! With telling this tail it slipped me boxer mind. We did have some sadness in our house this week too. On Wednesday Daddy had to take Smoke, hims 18 year old kitty, to be put to sleep. Smoke was Diamond Lil's brother and now hims had crossed over the bridge to be with her and Miss Pitty Pat. Me bets them was waiting for him when he got there at least that's what Mommy says. Now he would let us sniff him when he was sitting in Daddy's lap cause hims was to old to run from us.


Sunday, January 27, 2008

This is to much!!!

Look what we has been banished to! Me and Bugs has been banished behind bars. Look how pitiful Bugs looks with hims little head stuck under tha gate and look how sad me looks just sitting there with them big brown eyes. All we want to do is sniff that ole Simon but this how we is treated. And what's Simon doing while we is looking so mistreated?? Hims is sittin on the dresser looking at us. This is him peering around the corner at us.

Sure hims looks all sweet and innocence but hims not.

And tha worsest part is ole Simon is livin it up on this big ole bed like hims was king of tha world. This just don't seem very fair to us. We can't even get on tha bed and this kitty has only been here a few days and hims has hims own bedroom with a big ole bed. Me and Bugs has to share our bedroom with Mommy and Daddy but not Simon. Simon says because hims is so beautiful, hims should have hims own room.

To add insult to injury that ole Simon went into our bedroom and tried out our beds!!! He got kitty stink all in my bed. Look at how comfy hims is in me bed. This is not fair me tells you!

He didn't get into Bugs but he sniffed it and that's just as bad cause it still puts kitty stink on tha bed.

If this continues me and Bugs has decided to take matters into our own paws. We aint sure what we is going to do yet but we is smart puppies and we will figger it out.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

It's been two days and we still haven't gotten close to that ole Simon kitty. We have gotten to see him through tha baby gate and everytime we do that silly kitty hisses at me and Bugs and runs under tha bed. Me don't think this is really very friendly of him, what do you think? Me thinks that if this darn ole kitty wants to be part of this family then hims needs to come out from under tha bed and let me and Bugs sniff him all over. How else is we going to get to know each other? Me don't know how cats get to know each other but we dogs need to sniff butts, even if thems is cat butts, so we know who we is dealing with.

Mommy is still sleeping with Simon too!!! What about us? What about me, her loyal boxer puppy, and Bugs? We would sleep in tha bed with her if hers would let us but no we has to sleep in our baskets while that ole kitty gets so snuggle up to our Mommy. This just don't seem fair at all. And to make matters worse, hers closes the door on us and won't let us into tha bedroom with her. What's a puppy to do?

More updates to come


Thursday, January 24, 2008

What's a dog to do??

Me and Bug's life has just been turned upside down since last night!!! Last night Mommy replaced me and Bug's with a stinkin ole kitty! Can you believe it? No.....well we couldn't either. Hims is a 6 month old Siamese mix kitty. An to make things worse we can't even get close to the thing cause it hisses and spits and growls everytime we do. This ole cat aint nothin like Miss Pitty Pat was. Hers was a sweet kitty who liked to play with me. Mommy says we has to be nice cause hims is part of tha pack now. That's right another boy and just look at him sittin there on me and the Doodle Bugs couch all smug.

The worstest thing is that Mommy took this ole cat into tha spare bedroom last night and shut us out while hims got to sleep with her. Yep, hers is letting Simmon, that's hims name(Me can just hear it now, Simon says this and Simon says that, who cares what Simon says), sleeps with her. This is not fair at all!!! Me and Bugs don't get to sleep on tha bed with her. We has to sleep in our baskets on tha floor. What make this ole Simmon kitty thinks him is so special? We isn't sure we is happy about this.

Hims gets to walk and sit on the counter in her bathroom. Me and Bugs don't get to that. It don't make no difference that me and Bugs is way bigger than Simon, it's still not fair. Okay sure hims is cute and cuddley but so is us. Notice there are no pictures of us?

Our peoples says it will be a few more days before we all can be together. Thems says we has to give Simon (what a silly name) a few days to get use to us dogs. What's there to get use to? And what about us? Don't we need time to get use to a new kitty? Silly ole stinkin cat.


Monday, January 07, 2008

Weather Permitting

This year instead of making any resolutions, or even thinking about making them, Mommy made a promise. Hers promised that hers would take us boys out for a walk every day weather permitted. Hers figured that if hers made a promise hers would be more inclined to keep it. This promise will benefit both of us and Mommy. Mommy would like to lose a ew few before hers goes home to VA for Miss O'livia's graduation and going for walks will help. Us boys get the exercise we need too, especially me. Me vet seems to think me is "fat" and needs to loose 10#. Personally me thinks hers is nuts. Me has the shape of a bull dog which is what me is part, American Bulldog that is. Me guesses me will humor tha vet.

Mommy made taking us dogs for a walk easier by buying a dual leash coupler. Hers said trying to walk both of us on two seperate leashes was not an easy thing to do. Me walks right by Mommy's side but that Bugs, being the inquisitive boy that he is, tired to pull Mommy all over the place so he could splore. She couldn't take just one of us boys without the other so hers didn't take either of us. With the coupler and a shorter leash, the we is less inclined to pulling Mommy and it seems to be helping Bugs to be teethered next to me. Only problem is that Bugs likes to go from one side of me to tha other. Hims can't make up hims mind which side to be on and that means tha leash gets hung up on me nubbin.

So far we've gone every day of this new year and we is looking forward to it as a new treat when Mommy comes home from work. Only thing, weather wasn't permitting tonight cause it snowed again. Me and Bugs was up for tha adventure but Mommy didn't want to go walking in tha snow.
