Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cousin Hank

Mommy finally got them picturez downloaded and haz breathing time to update me blog. It'z about time too, cuz thiz dog waz about to forget some of tha thingz that'z happened thiz summer. If me is lucky hers will take dictation (what eber that iz) for a couple adventurez.

If you rememberz the last time me wrote (with the help of Mommy) Auntie Margert and cousin Hank had come to stay with us for a while. Thingz haz turned out real good in that area. Hank haz learned hiz place in tha order of tha pack, which iz tha bottom but himz don't seem to mind to much. Isn't him a handsome fellow, all shiny and black. Of course himz isn't as handsome az me.

Hank really likez living here with us too. Himz getz treatz from Daddy and getz to sleep on the dog couch and go camping too! We taughted him how to be a camping dog just like me and Bugz. The best of all is himz has two buddiez to play with all day long, except me don't like to play all day long like Hank and Bugz do. Hank and Bugz just lovez to play keep away. And you know all know how Bugz just haz to have tha toy you iz playing with.

Even if we had the very same toy, which me and Bugz doez, then that ole silly Bugz wantz them all and isn't happy until himz getz them all. Lucky fog Bugz that Hank isn't a dominate male like me. There would be troublez then thatz for sure.

For tha most part me just watchez them to play cause being the older brother and the older cousin somebody has to be in charge and guess who that is.

For tha most part thingz haz been really good. Me and Auntie Margaret haz had a few disagreementz, like her not understanding tha me iz not a submissive dog or that when me goez into me crate itz me safe place and to leave me alone. Me is very sorry to say that me haz snapped at her 3 timez cause her getz in me face and yellz at me. Me triez to tell her to stop but herz doesn't seem to understand boxer talk. Mommy told her that when me sayz "roo, roo, roo" that me iz telling her to leave me alone that me has gone to tha safety of me crate and not to mess with me there. Me is alwayz really sorry afterwardz but sometimez a dogz gotta do what a dogz gotta do. Me lovez Auntie Margaret and would never ever bite her but boy or boy she can be slow understanding me. Thiz week haz been better cauze we haven't had no problemz, maybe you can train humanz after all.



Cassie said...

We lubz de piktures! Wuks wike yall r habing a weal gud time wif each odder! Sumtimes it just takez sum time for de hoomanz tu unnerstand dogese, gwad Auntie M is stawting to unnerstand when yu'z tewling her yu need yur space!


Cassie said...

We lubz de piktures! Wuks wike yall r habing a weal gud time wif each odder! Sumtimes it just takez sum time for de hoomanz tu unnerstand dogese, gwad Auntie M is stawting to unnerstand when yu'z tewling her yu need yur space!
