Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mommy's birsday

Mommy had a birsday last weekend and Daddy tooked her camping and lefted us at home with Auntie Margaret and Hank. We was not happy dogs at all!! Thems alwayz takez us camping! Last year themz even took us away for mommy's birsday to stay in a cabin but not thiz year. Nope this year themz wanted to go be by themselvez. Me and Bugz doesn't understand how thems could possibly want to go anywhere without thems boyz.

We waz pretty unhappy and didn't even want to eat dinner on Friday night. To make matterz even worse Mommy had told Auntie Margaret to keep the gatez up so me and Bugz couldn't get upstairz to sleep in our own bedz which meant we had to sleep in tha den. The only good thing waz Hank got to stay in tha den with us. We waz going to have a real doggie boyz night!! Auntie Margaret went to bed and lefted us alone and the party began. We waz running up and down tha stairz from tha den to tha kitchen and out thru tha dog door and back again. We waz barking and running and playing and having a really good time. There was nobody to tell us to go to bed or be quiet or nothing! We was having so much fun chasing each other around we didn't hear Auntie Margaret come back up from her basement room. BUSTED!!! She yelled at us to get inside and be quiet and get in our cratez.

Boy she can be a real doggie party pooper! Her told Mommy we sounded like a herd of elephantz stomping around. Since me has neber heard a herd of elephantz or even seen one, me has nothing to compare her remark to and me doubtz we was that loud at all. We did settle down though and go to sleep for the rest of the night.

The next day me and Bugz appeitete was back and we was hungry and ate all our food. We sure did miss our peoplez though, hungry or not. Auntie Margaret is nice and we likez her a lot, cept when she is wiping our facez, but her isn't our peoplez and we sure waz mopy. We didn't feel like partying to much on Saturday night cauze we wanted to be rested for when our peoplez got home on Sunday and okay we waz really tired from playing half the night before. When Mommy and Daddy got home on Sunday we couldn't even keep our feetz on the ground we waz so glad to see themz!!! Me sure hopez themz don't go away again and leavez us anytime soon.


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