Monday, January 07, 2008

Weather Permitting

This year instead of making any resolutions, or even thinking about making them, Mommy made a promise. Hers promised that hers would take us boys out for a walk every day weather permitted. Hers figured that if hers made a promise hers would be more inclined to keep it. This promise will benefit both of us and Mommy. Mommy would like to lose a ew few before hers goes home to VA for Miss O'livia's graduation and going for walks will help. Us boys get the exercise we need too, especially me. Me vet seems to think me is "fat" and needs to loose 10#. Personally me thinks hers is nuts. Me has the shape of a bull dog which is what me is part, American Bulldog that is. Me guesses me will humor tha vet.

Mommy made taking us dogs for a walk easier by buying a dual leash coupler. Hers said trying to walk both of us on two seperate leashes was not an easy thing to do. Me walks right by Mommy's side but that Bugs, being the inquisitive boy that he is, tired to pull Mommy all over the place so he could splore. She couldn't take just one of us boys without the other so hers didn't take either of us. With the coupler and a shorter leash, the we is less inclined to pulling Mommy and it seems to be helping Bugs to be teethered next to me. Only problem is that Bugs likes to go from one side of me to tha other. Hims can't make up hims mind which side to be on and that means tha leash gets hung up on me nubbin.

So far we've gone every day of this new year and we is looking forward to it as a new treat when Mommy comes home from work. Only thing, weather wasn't permitting tonight cause it snowed again. Me and Bugs was up for tha adventure but Mommy didn't want to go walking in tha snow.


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