Sunday, October 19, 2008

Caged Critters

Now tell me if you thinks this a fair way to treat man's best friend. Me and the Bugs E Doodle esq was sequesterd (big word for a little boxer) to our outdoor kennel while Daddy pushed tha wheel barrel back and forth with wood in it. For some silly human reason hims thought that it would be a really good thing to do this without the assistance of hims tow bestest friends. Me guesses hims didn't realize that a doggie escort would have helped make this work hims was doing go much faster and we would have gotten some exercise too!! Why me bets if hims had asked, me and Bugs would have been glad to carry pieces of wood to tha back yard in our mouths. In fact we would have been really happy to play "beaver dog" and chewed on a couple sticks of wood while we watched hims work. Sometimes ya gots to wonder about your humans. Thems just don't reason like us dogs do.

Murphy, who has finally been released from the outdoor kennel.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Dem hoomanz just dun't tink wike we dawgz du! You n Bugzee Esquire wud hab heped yur dad a wot ifn onwy he wud hab wet yu!
