Sunday, November 02, 2008

Lily Pants

We is all making progress in learning how to get along together. Bugs and Lily Pants has eben been touching noses sometimes. She's stopped running ebery time her sees us coming and Bugs has stopped, mostly, chasing her. Me thinks hims has figgered out hers is not a pesky squirrel. Most mornings now that ole Lily Pants comes out of her room and rolls around on tha floor in front of Bugs. Sometimes hers will eben rub up against him but then when Bugs tries to sniff her, Lily will swat hims face with her paw. Hers has eben done it to me once or twice.

The other night hers came all the way downstairs and into tha den where we was all watching our favorite show "Animal Planet" Me thinks her would have stayed but Bugs saw her sitting on the step and got excited cause her was in hims territory and took off after her.

Sometimes Bugs will lay in tha hall outside of Lily's room and wait for her. Mommy says hims gets really focused and tunes out eberthing but watching Lily. Why that silly dog is so obsessed with Lily me doesn't know. She's just a stinkin ole cat. In fact that's Bugs E Doodle esq there just waiting to see if Lily will come out from under tha gate so hims can sniff her. See how he's berry, berry focused and all cause of a cat!

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