Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bugz 2nd birthday

We had a birthday party today!! It waz Bugz 2nd birthday and we include Hank to cuz himz birthday waz July 4th and Mommy and Daddy didn't know it. Now that Bugz is two him is considered a grown up dog like me and Hank but don't think the Bugz E Doodle knows this. Me don't think that silly dog will ever be serious like me.

As usual we gotz 2 double cheeze burgerz and custard for dinner. The only problem with birthday parties is we still have to mind our mannerz. Daddy made Bugz sit and wait for himz dinner just like it waz any other day.

Then when himz had showed himz still remembered himz mannerz himz waz allowed to eat himz birthday dinner.

In fact we all had to sit and wait for our dinnerz. This does not seem very fair when it is a special day like a birthday. After tha dinner of double cheeze burgerz we got our birthday ice cream. Notice me ice cream bowl is on tha red carpet and nobody elsez is.

Poor cousin Hank didn't know what to make of tha birthday party. Himz mommy don't do parties for him like our peoplez do. His mommy had to encourage him to come to tha party but it didn't take long to figger it out.

Mommy even got presentz for everybody. Me and Hank got chew bonez and Bugz got a chew fish and himz won't share and has just about chewed it to piecez. We is all really tired after tha party. It's hard going to parties.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Happy birfday fwom yur two corn terror furriends, Bugz! Sowndz wike yu had a wooferful day. Wish we cud hab ben der to hep yu selbwate!

Cassie n Hunter