Thursday, December 29, 2005

Tha Cats in tha bag

Sometimes me little kitty, Miss PittyPat, can play some scary tricks on me. Hers thinks its fun to make me jump and look all around me cause me was scared. This is what hers did over tha Christmas Holiday. There was a big ole plastic bag laying in tha middle of tha floor and me was going to go over an check it out. A boxer puppy never ever knows when there might be a treat or toy hiding in them bags.

Well about the time me thought about putting me little boxer paw on the bag to see what was in it, the bag started to move and shake all around. Now being a very smart boxer puppy (Mommy always tells me how smart me is) me knew that them plastic bags don't just move around by themselves. There was something in there and it was alive!!! Me backed up and sniffed the air to see if me could figger out what was in that bag. Buff Buff Buff (translated means MOMMY come quick theres something in here and me needs backup)

Come quick Mommy, there is something in here and it's alive. Me thinks you forgetted to take something out of there. Mommy was just laughing and asking me what was tha matter. Now that was a silly question. Couldn't hers see what was tha matter??? That ole bag was shaking and moving around and even me knows thems not suppose to do that. Me doesn't know what Mommy thinks is so funny anyway.

Me kepted smelling a smell that was really really familiar. Me couldn't quite put me little paw on it though. Me mustard up all me courage and sticked me little boxer nose in that noisy bag. Me tried not to show any fear at all as me sniffed and sniffed. And do you know what was in that ole plastic bag????

Why there was Miss PittyPat and her was just laughing and laughing at how hers and tricked me. See hers looking out the bag at me?? Now this is not a very nice thing to do to your best boxer puppy pal. Me did not think it was funny at all. Mommy thought it was a wonderful joke and was calling for Daddy to come see what Murphy had found in the bag.

Do you see what I see??? This is my kitty laughing at me!!! Well me did not think it was funny!!! How would hers like it if me did that to her??? Oh wait, now that me thinks of it me does play tricks on her sometimes. Still hers is a grown up kitty and should know better. Me is just a little boxer puppy and that is a good excuse.

Me thinks that ole kitty can just stay in her ole plastic bag. Me wouldn't care one bit and if me happens to be passing by and forgets hers is in that bag and steps on her or picks of the bag in me little mouth and carry it around to play catch with, well that would serve her right!!

Your Pal

Murphy (who thinks letting the cat out of the bag is a bad idea)


bay said...


Maybe da next time your keekat twies dis twick on you den what you should do is grab dat end where dat bag is open, den drag dis bag fing ober to da bafftub and lift it ober and turn on da shower. Your keekat would be in for a big surprise!! Dis weally won't hurt you eber. We don't hab to worry about Santa until next year!! Dis is time for freebies!!

Murphy said...

Thanks Baywee, this might be just tha thing to get that Miss PittyPat real good.
