Wednesday, November 09, 2005

There is suitcases in the spare bedroom

Something strange is getting ready to happen around here. It's a mystery but me just may have figgered it out all by meself. Mommy keeps taking things into the spare bedroom and putting them in to something called suitcases. Me thinks her is going away somewhere and me is going to the kennel to stay while her is gone. Every time me sees them darn ole suitcases appear that's what happens.

Now me isn't sure where her is going but me has heard her talking to Daddy. Her is in really excited too. Her is going to be with her human family for Thanksgiving. Her Mommy and sisters are going with her on a cruise in the ocean. Me isn't sure what a cruise is but me heard her say something about the ocean having lots of water. If hers wants lots of water me thinks her could go out side and sit in the hot tub. That has lots of water in it and her ususally goes out there every evening to sit in the water. And if her wants her human family to be with her, thems could come here and sit in the hot tub with her. This way me wouldn't have to go to the kennel. hasn't seen Daddy's suitcases and me hasn't heard him talking about going on this cruise too. So maybe me will get to stay home with Daddy.

Me has to go investigate them ole suitcases. Thems has to have some clues for me to figger out what's going on. As soon as me knows for sure me will let you know.

sniff sniff sniff

Murphy PI

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