Sunday, October 23, 2005

New friends at the dog park

Mommy thought me needed to go to the dog park today. Me always likes to go there but can't figure out what made hers think me needed to go. Hers was sitting in her chair trying to read the newspaper and me wanted to help her. Me don't think her liked how me wanted to help either. See the best way for a boxer to help hims mommy to read the paper is to sit on her lap, shoulder, head or whatever is available to sit on and lick her face. This seems to make the reading the paper more fun. Me guesses mom had to much fun with all me help and decided it was time to go to the dog park.

It's always exciting to go to the dog park. Beside the one time that mean ole Wheaten Terrier jumped on me its always fun. Today me made friends with a Husky named Nook (Mommy thought him was really handsome) and a Dobbie named Mark. Thems was great fun to play with. Nook knew just how to play with a boxer and hims did play growling too. In fact now me knows how to play growl and bark too when me is playing with mommy. Her goes "Murphy who do you think you are barking at??" and pulls my nose. Anyways it was really lots of fun playing with Nook and Mark and then this really pretty girl dog name Zoe came. Hers was really pretty. Hers had wavy blonde hair and her daddy said hers was a Labradoodle. Woof Woof her was pretty. We was all puppies except for Nook and hims knew just how to play with puppies our size and age. We ran and jumped and slammed into each other all over the place. Me learned how to drink water out of sports bottle. Daddy said that now we didn't have to carry so much stuff to the dog park. It sure was fun but boy was me tired. We all finally was laying under the picnic table panting really hard.

When me got back home me slept for a long time but then me heard mommy reading and had to go sit on her shoulder to help her read.


1 comment:

bay said...

Murphy - I fink dat you do a weally good job in helping your mom read da paper!! And besides, what does she need a paper for anyway? If you are at a doggie park den shouldn't her eyes be on YOU?? After all, aren't you da star ob da day?? You might want to re-fink dis and eat da paper before you eben get dere. Den your mom won't hab anyfing do to BUT watch you!

Good boy, Murp!!

Your pal,
