Monday, October 10, 2005

There was white stuff

Me was all excited when me got up dis morning. Something was going on outside. It was really quiet and it smelled different. There was some white stuff falling outside. Mommy took me outside like she always does and there it was. It was coming down from da sky and it was soft on me little boxer nose. It wasn't like da water that comes from da sky. That stings me little boxer nose when it lands on it. Me isn't really sure if me likes this white stuff or not cause it was all gone by da time Mommy got home from da work place this afternoon. Hers had said we would go out and play in da white stuff when hers got home but there was no white stuff left. Mommy says not to worry cause it will be back. This is what comes from da sky in da winter time hers says. Me can't wait to see it again and get to play in it.


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