Saturday, September 17, 2005

Me is the Host

My peoples is having a cookout in our back yard tonight and me gets to go this time. Mommy says it's a test to see if me can be a good boy and not jump on everybody. Me is so excited me can hardly contain meself. It's going to be hard not to jump up and greet all them peoples cause that's what boxers do. If me is good me won't be put into the crate or outside in the kennel where me can only watch. Me is sure these peoples coming is going to want to pet a puppy.

This is me making sure our friends are comfortable and have a little boxer puppy to pet whenever thems wants to. This is a very important job. If Mommy and Daddy didn't have me to go around getting all of them pets then thems would be very unhappy.

See how patiently me is sitting there. Me wants to be sure that everybody gets plenty of food so thems will have enough to share with me if'n thems wants too. And just in case Santa is watching like me pal Baywee says, me didn't try to get no food off the table at all. Me was on me best boxer behavior. Me see's you have a plate of food yous might need some help with. Well me is you puppy and is at your service. If'n you gots something you don't like me is sure me can take it off your hands.

Who let that cat out??? Everything was fine until Daddy let that ole Miss Pitty Pat out of the basement. Me sees her sneaking behind the lady. Hers thinks that since hers is a Southern Kitty that hers should be out playing the Hostess Kitty. Grrr thats me job, not being a hostes kitty, but being the host. Daddy said so. Miss Pitty is so sneaky. Hers is trying to get everybody to notice her, but it's not working. These peoples knows a good boxer puppy

The best part of the cookout was when Daddy's friend Patti brung me some new stuffed animals. Patti says her knew that Mommy and Daddy had lots of stuff, but her knew that a little boxer puppy can never ever have to many stuffed toys. Her brunged me a green fluff frog that goes "ribit ribit" when me bites it and hers brung me the dog me is holding. Me only jumped on one person and licked their face and hers liked it. Me also only knocked down one of the guests but hers was laughing so hard hers must have liked it. Mommy and Daddy kept saying me was being such a good boy. Me thinks Mommy and Daddy can finish the job now. Me has powered down and is resting with me new dog toy. Being a good puppy host is hard work and me is really tired.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You look like a really good little host.