Wednesday, September 14, 2005

How fair is this?

Grrrrr.....Mommy and Daddy are having a dinner/meeting at our house and me is bannished to the outside!!!! Now me is wondering if this is not cruel and unusual treament of a boxer puppy? Me sat in front of the french door and did me very best impression of a good boxer and did anyone let me in??? No, they did not. Instead all of the company came to the door and said "oh look at Murphy, he's grown so much". WELL, if me has grown so much why is me sitting with me little boxer nose pressed on the glass???? In fact mommy's friend Donna said me looked as if me was trying to tell everyone that me was really professional and me would behaave if let inside for the dinner meeting. Well of course that was what me was trying to tell everybody. Why else would me be sitting with me little boxer nose pressed against the glass looking cute? At least somebody understands boxers. This is not fair and me is going to the boxer union with a griev ummmm a complaint.

They is sitting down to have dinner and here me is standing up on me little hind legs with me little nose barely reaching the bottom of the window looking in and does anybody care??? NO!!! Me even sucked in me little boxer cheeks so me would look underfed and that didn't help. There sits all them peoples eating a really yummy smelling dinner and here me is on the outside looking in. Grrrrrrrowl, Now tell me, how fair is this???

Even that ole Miss Pitty Pat is sitting inside eating raw shirmp that mommy is putting in a little crystal plate for hers. This is not fair. Hers gets me in trouble and there her is sitting at mommy's feet making loud meowing sounds and being hand fed raw shrimp. Me would like to be hand fed anything. Me could sit at mommy's feet and give her me best "feed me look" and do it real quiet too. This is not fair and me knows it's against all the boxer union rules and regulations.

Me is a very social puppy and likes to go around giving everybody hello kisses. Me is sure if mommy would just let me inside that them peoples would be more than happy to have thems faces licked clean. This is just not fair and me is going to write to the Santa man and tell him to bring mommy and daddy coals to chew on.


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