Sunday, October 30, 2005

Are you ready for some football???

Well here it is Sunday again and it's time for more football. Mommy and hers friend (me godmother) Maggie is going out for High Tea. Now me is not sure what this means but me thinks it means thems gets up really high and has them some tea. Why else would it be called high tea??? That means that me and Daddy will be here to watch some football.

Me is really excited about this game cause me has a real football now!!! Mommy and Daddy gots me a real football for me 7 month day. Thems said it was time me had the real thing. Me was too big for dem stuffed puppy footballs. Me really things Mommy got tired of picking up all of da stuffing off of da floor ifn you wants to know da truth.

See da picture of me here?? This was me when me was a little baby puppy and Mommy had just brought me home from da place where me first lived. And dis is me little baby puppy football.

Now see this picture?? This is me all gown up and with a big dog football. This big dog football is more fun cause it bounces all over da place.

Me also thinks me could play for da Broncos. De is short one player cause Dwayne Carswell was hurted in a car crash and the Broncos is short one player. If Mommy and Daddy gots me a football jersey with hims name on it and me showed up on the football field do you think dem other Broncos would know me was really a boxer??? Me can catch da football and run with it really fast. Dem ole Eagles couldn't catch me at all. Dis is me getting the football on the hike.

Me's got it but which way do me run?? Dems peoples running at me from all directions.

Faster than a speeding bullet, stronger than a locomotive. No wait dats another story. Me's running to da goal post and going to make a touchdown just like Carswell. Nobody can catch me cause me is the fastest football player on the field.


Now me better go back inside and settle in on da love seat to watch football with Daddy. Maybe hims will have some peanuts hims can share with me.

Murphy the football playing dog.

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