Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve and where did this little boxer spend a goodly portion of this day??? In my crate !!!! Now this does not seem very fair to me. Okay sure, Mommy and Daddy tooked me to tha dog park this morning to play but that was at 8:30 in tha morning. At 11:00 thems put me in me crate and headed off to tha football game. Did thems ask if me wanted to go to tha football game??? No, they did not. Thems knows me loves to play football and me would have loved to go to see them Broncos beat them ole Raiders. Why had me gotten to go them Broncos might have beat them Raiders by lots more points. And them Raiders wouldn't have gotten any points cause me would have body slammed them every time thems had the ball. Me guesses me forgives Mommy and Daddy cause Mommy gave me some potato chips and a really nice ham bone to gnaw on this evening to make up for leaving me alone all day. Besides it is Christmas Eve and Santa is coming tonight.

Merry Christmas Everybody


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