Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Get me a lawyer!!!

This is tha last straw! Tha bad son, Bugs has really gone and done it and me is suffering the consequences right along with hims. Cause that ole Bugs can't stay out of trouble Mommy and Daddy has had to resort to desperate measures. What happened you asked?

Well if you remembers, Bugs pulled the stuffing out of two of tha cushions on the couch. Mommy was able to repair thems BUT it resulted in Bugs having to spend the day in my crate (cause it's bigger than hims) when our peoples wasn't here. Mommy and Daddy talked about getting baby gates to block off part of tha house so we could only get in tha kitchen and tha den, but thems hadn't done anything about it. Well for tha longest time it was only something thems talked about but then Saturday morning while Mommy was sleeping the straw that broked the peoples back happened!

Mommy was sleeping in tha spare bedroom and lefted the door open so we could be with her. Bugs got bored waiting for Mommy to wake up and picked up one of hers pretty bed pillows to play with. Me told hims not to do it. Me told him it would get us in trouble. Me tried to make him stop, but hims grabbed tha pillow and tooked off. Me tried to get it back from him but when me grabbed it to take it away from him, Bugs pulled hard and tha pillow split open. There was pillow stuffin everywhere. When Mommy woked up hers saw tha stuffing and was not happy. Hers yelled at us!!! Me tried to tell her it wasn't me fault but hers was mad and me don't blame her.

So..... Daddy and Mommy went to Wally World to get baby gates. Thems figgerd that cause thems would be gone 20 mins tops it would be okay to leave Bugs out of tha crate. NOT A GOOD IDEA!!! Bugs was just sitting there looking around cause hims had gotten bored again and saw one of them couch cushions and thought hims would play with it. Don't do it, me told Bugs but hims said hims was bored and needed something to do. Me did the best me could to stop him but when that darn ole Bugs sets hims mind on doing something this little boxer can't stop hims. Trying to take it from hims only makes it worse cause hims thinks we is playing tug o war then. Anyway when our peoples got home there was a mess and Daddy said some really bad words!!!

Now when ever thems leaves us we is locked out of the main part of tha house. The only place we can go is tha kitchen and tha den. Daddy even shuts the door to tha basement and hims office. We is in prison!!! Me is innocent and me is being made to stay in prison with that darn ole puppy!! Get me a lawyer this is unfair treatment. Me is not aiding and abetting this little rascal, me is trying to stop tha crimes!!! It's not fair that me is being punished too. Me wants me phone call!!

Murphy in the orange jumpsuit

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Dat Bugs is just a puppee, he haz to lern to be a gud boy. Me is sowwy dat yu are in pwison wif him, but maybee yur mom and dad tink if he'z wocked up wif yu den yu can tawk sum cents into him.

Tinking of my fwiend Murphee in an owangejump suit!!
