Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Gottcha Day 2

Today we is celebrating me 2 year gottcha day!!! It was two years ago today that Mommy drove out to Elizabeth Colorado and picked me up and brought me home. On the way home that day this little 30 # puppy learned how to sit. It was me very first command/trick.

Mommy said me picked her when hers came to find her forever puppy. This may be so, but if Mommy hadn't been smart enough to realize me was picking her for me very own human, me may have gone to a home where thems didn't understand this little boxer dog. Me knows Daddy had reservations cause me was such a big puppy but hims is very glad to have me too.

So it's not only me gottcha day but it's also me peoples gottcha day too. Cause me got them!!!!

Happy Gottcha Day Mommy and Daddy

Your little boxer puppy,


1 comment:

Cassie said...

Happy gotcha day, Murphee!! Yu iz 1 bery wucky widdle boxer puppee to hab yur mommy and dadd az yur bery own, and dey are eber so wucky to hab yu as der fur kid! Hope mommy gibz yu sum speshul treetz to selebwate dis bery speshul day.
