Sunday, May 13, 2007

Da bacation is over!

Boy oh boy, did we have some bacation. Me isn't sure me can tell you all about it in a single blog. It may take a couple days so much stuff happened. Me will try to tell the story with some pictures.

Me and Bugs was worried we was going to get left behind, what with all tha commotion of loading up tha truck and making sure all our stuff was packed. Mommy even had a suitcase for me and Bugs to share. It was full up with dog toys, food, etc. Cause we was scared we was going to get left behind we jumped into tha truck to wait for everybody to get ready to go.

This was that little Doodlebugs first camping trip and hims didn't know what to expect. Me had told hims all about tha last time me went camping but me couldn't prepare him for what was going to happen. As you can see Bugs was ready for hims first big adventure.

We rode in tha truck for tha longest time and then Mommy and Daddy went to this campground called tha Lone Duck and parked tha camper and began to set up our home. Me and Bugs decided that tha camper was just a really large dog kennel that we all shared together. What we didn't know was this campground had some really awful rules. Me and Bugs had to stay on a leash or tied up all of tha times while we was on tha property. Does this look like tha face of a happy Boxer?? Me didn't think so either.

And look at me poor little bubba. Hims had never been tied up before and this was not at all what me had told hims it would be like. The only good part about all of this was we gots lots and lots of attention from our peoples cause thems had to take us with them everywheres they went. We even got to spend time sitting around tha campfire.

We did get to go some places off of tha leash and that was fun!!! We climbed up a great big mountain and met some dogs on tha trail and then meeted a whole bunch of peoples when we was coming back down tha mountain and thems was going up tha mountain. All that mountain climbing is hard work when you isn't a mountain goat and one thing for sure, me and Bugs isn't no mountain goat. Me was one tired dog after all that climbing. In fact looking at these pictures makes me tired. Me will have to tell you the rest of the adventure tomorrow. Me had a berry embarassing thing happen and Bugs thought it was really funny.
Tha good news is we is going camping again next month and we won't have to be tied up all of the times.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Me wubz yur deskripsion abowt yur bacation! It sownds like yu and Doodlebug had a wot ob fun. We wubbed de piktures.

Me's hoomanz wike to camp, too, so maybe sumtime I will hab sum camping piktures to share wif yu, too.
