Mommy haz been watching way to much Animal Planet and for sure way to much of It'z Me or tha Dog (az if there would be a choice). Mommy now fancyz herself a dog trainer from tha thingz herz haz learned from watching that silly show. Like tonight for instance.
Tonight Mommy decided it would be a really good idea if me and Bugz E Doodle learned how to "shake" and how to "leave it". All of this training waz done with these really wonderful, tasty peanut butter treatz. Me had to sit and when Mommy said "paw" me waz to life up me paw and give it to her then herz would give me a tha treat. Now Mommy didn't care which paw it waz just so long az me gave her me paw. After two or three timez of asking for me paw, reaching down and picking up me paw and then giving me tha yummy treat me got it. Me iz after all a very smart Boxer boy. Only problem with learning this trick so fast iz this, when herz showed Daddy how smart me waz I gave her me paw and didn't get no treat. This happened several timez too!!! I'd give Mommy me paw when she asked and tha only thing me got waz a pat on me big ole head and a "good boy". That really don't seem fair to me.
Bugz on tha other paw waz even smarter than me. Himz pretended himz didn't understand what Mommy wanted himz to do and sat there looking puzzled or lay down (which iz what we usually haz to do to get a treat). Mommy would reach down and pick up himz paw and give him tha treat anyway. Me iz pretty sure himz knowz what her wanted himz just outsmarted her.
The other thing Mommy made uz do waz sit and watch az herz put a treat on tha floor while her said "leave it". This meant we had to leave that little peanut butter treat on tha floor right in front of our facez until her said "free". Both me and Bugz learned that one really fast cauze we haz to sit and wait to eat our dinner until Daddy sayz "free". Mommy and Daddy thinkz that we should work for our dinnerz and treatz and this iz how we earnz them by learning stupid dog trickz and leaving our treatz and dinner until we is "freed".
Me iz hopeful this will all pay off in tha end. Christmaz iz next Thruzday and me thinkz that if me and Bugz learnz these new trickz we will get lotz and lotz of stuff for Christmas. (hope Mommy and Daddy seez this and getz tha word to Santa)