Me, Bugs and Hank had a real adventure with Mommy and Auntie Margert this weekend. We went "Girl Camping" with thems. Now how thems figgered it was girl camping with 3 boy dogs is beyond this boxer's reasoning but that's what thems called it.
The camp site them "girls" pickeded was really cool. There was deer bones spread around all ober tha place. Me would go and get a bone to chew on and that ole Bugs would steal it. Finally me got tired of it and we had a small fight to settle things. Mommy and Auntie Margaret wasn't real happy about that. Hank was smart enough to stay out of tha whole thing.
We had tents to sleep in instead of the house on wheels. Me and Bugs had never slept in a tent before. The first night was really, really cold!! Bugs finally snuck into Mommy's bed to sleep next to her, but me was very stoic and slept on the rug and shivered. Ya know tents aren't all that secure, especially when you hears coyotes howling like we did in that middle of tha night. Hank told us hims was a bit nervous about them but when hims didn't hear us growling figgered it was okay. Mommy thought it was kind of cool to hear in a distance. Hers might have been more nervous if thems had been close.
The next day we had so much fun! We got to go on lots of walks through the woods and chased the ball. We chased the ball so much that my shoulder was really, really sore. Thank goodness for Auntie Margerts first aid kit! Hers gave us all aspring in bits of chicken to make us feel better. We was having a really good time until that ole wind got up. Do you know what it's like to try an sleep in a tent that keeps moving cause of tha wind??? Mommy said hers didn't get no sleep at all cause of that wind. We, me and Bugs, both climbed into Mommy's bed to sleep cause all that wind was making us unsettled. Me don't think any of us got any sleep.
Now here is the important part!!! The next morning Mommy and Auntie Margaret decided they had had enough of all tha wind and decided it was time to go home. We dogs was all for that cause the wind was still blowing really hard and we didn't like it none. While tha humans was breaking camp this really dumb man came walkin down tha road. Hank didn't like him so hims growled and raised hims hackles a bit. Me and Bugs decided to go out into the road to see who hims was. Do you know that silly man pointed a rifle at me and Bugs. It was a good thing Auntie Margaret saw what was happening and yelled at the man not to shoot me, otherwise me wouldn't me here telling this boxer tale. See Mommy and Auntie Margaret said us dogs job was to protect them while we was "girl camping". This stupid man was yelling "noooooo" and waving the rifle around. Me saw this as agresinve behavior on hims part and reacted in kind. Mommy kept telling the man to lower hims rifle and let thems get us dogs. When the man quited down and lowered the rifle me was fine, but hims wouldn't shut up or stop behaving in an aggresive manner and me had to protect mommy. The man finally stopped shouting and waving the rifle around long enough for our peoples to grab our collars and put us in the car. Personally me thinks me should have bit the dumb man but then me would probably not be here and Mommy would be very very sad. Why are people so stupid?? Anyway, as Mommy says, alls well that ends well and she's happy to know me would defend if!!! Mommy can tell you she is really, really happy nothing bad happened to us boys cause she would have bit the man herself and hers says that would not have been pretty.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Friday, February 05, 2010
We have a heavy heart
Mommy just told us tha saddest news in tha world. Our good bully friend Bailey, or bette known as Baywee has crossed over tha Rainbow Bridge today. Her mommy had just found out that Baywee had a heart condition and was doing everything hers could but Baywee's heart gave out on tha way to tha vet. Baywee, we (me, Bugs and Mommy) will miss you a lot. Rest in peace sweet little bully dog.
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