Thursday, September 14, 2006

Going on a trip

Mommy just told me something berry berry exciting. Hers said we is going on a trip next weekend. Yep, me said "we" cause Mommy said me gets to go too. Isn't this the bestest news ever?? It's Mommy's birfday next week on Friday and we are going to spend it in tha mountains doing what me really likes to do best..........CAMPING!!!!! WOOOF WOOOOF this is just the best thing every.

First though we has to have a yard sell this weekend. Me isn't sure why me peoples wants to see the yard but, me guesses thems has a good reason. Maybe we is going to get a new yard, although there really isn't nothing wrong with the one we gots. Mommy says we has to get up really early on Saturday morning to sell the yard. Now Mommy knows me is NOT a morning boxer so me sure hopes her isn't expecting me to get up to help. Me will just come downstairs and get on tha sofa and nap with one eye open in case something interesting happens.


1 comment:

Cassie said...

Hopez yu gotz a gud nap wile dat garaje sale waz happenin. Wow, how much fun, yu getz to go kamping agin, maybe yur mom will kome back wif wotz and wotz of neet piktures, too.

It'z onwy 2 weekz until de Bwitish are koming to TX, I am so excited, mom hopez I duntz hide behind de sofa or under dat end table de hole time dat dey are heer.

Wubz fwom,