Monday, September 11, 2006

Tha Smartest Dog in tha World

Okay so maybe not in tha world but in me world anyway. Do you want to know why me is the smartest dog in me world???? Well because for one thing Mommy said so but the real reason is because me learned how to do something new this weekend.

See this is what happened. All summer long me peoples have lefted the sliding glass door open so me could go in and out by meself when thems wasn't home. This was a very good idea cause me could go get a sun tan when me wanted or nap under the apple tree just any ole time and if it got to hot outside then me could come right back inside. This worked really well all summer long but then Mommy was worried about what thems was going to do in the fall and winter when it was too cold to leave the door open for me.

Mommy decided the very bestest thing to do would be to teach me to use the doggie door. See her's had never done it before cause that kitty Miss Pitty Pat would have learned how to use it and escaped and Mommy didn't want that to happen. Now that Miss Pitty Pat is in heaven Mommy thought it would be a good time to teach me how to use it. Me wasn't thinking this was a berry good idea at all. This would mean me had to use me head to get in and out of the door.

This is me looking inside trying to figger out what Mommy wanted from me. Now just look at the size of that opening and look at the size of me. What is Mommy thinking?? Does her really thinks me can fit through that thing? Me is a pampered pup and needs to be waited on paw and foot like the prince me is. Me doesn't think me is going to like this new door.

Hers had a really good training idea so maybe this won't be so bad. Hers decided the bestest way to teach me how to use the door was with treats. So her got some hotdogs (one of me favorite treats) and cut them into bite size pieces and offered them to me through the door. Okay Mommy, ready for another treat.

Me was very confused about what to do and that ole door made a lot of noise when me put my big ole head against it. It was scarey and me didn't like the plastic thingy flapping on me back when me came through tha door. Mommy knew me could do it and sure enough by yesterday after noon me was going in and out by meself and today Daddy called Mommy at her work place to tell her me was outside when hims came home and me let meself back in. Me really liked it better when me peoples would have to let me in and out or the door was just lefted open for me, but me guesses this will work too although me had hoped thems wouldn't figger out me could do it so quickly.



Cassie said...

U r such a smart boxer puppy! Dat's a gud ting, lerning how to use dat doggy door so kwikly! Cud u maybe teach me dat regular doors aren't sumting to be skared ob?


Murphy said...


Them regular doors are just things that seperate us from our humans. That's the reason me learned how to use the doggie door. Me didnt want to be to far from me humans.
