Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve everbody and that means Santa will come to night. We only has to be good a little bit longer. Notice there is NO packages or presents under this tree. Santa please, please, please be sure to leave me and the little Doodlebug some presents under this tree tonight. WE has been very, very good.

Boy did we just have some big fun!!! There is too much snow to go to tha dog park and we couldn't find a parking place anyway so instead Mommy thought it might be nice if hers and Daddy tooked us to the ball field just up the street from our house to play. Hers said that even though we wasn't going very far, we dogs would think we was going some where and be happy. Know what? Hers was right!! Come on Daddy lets go play in tha snow.

We ran all over that ball field, well actually we bunny hopped at first until we could get some tracks laid down to run in. Bugs was doing a really good job of keeping up too. Hims little legs is getting longer and longer all of tha time.

Below is me sled dog impersonation. All me needed was a harness and a sled to pull.

Just look at us run through tha snow. This is hard work for a Boxer pup and a great Dane pup.

We was sure worn out after this play time in tha snow. It's time to nap in a sunbeam and wait for Santa.

Merry Chrismas Everybody

Murphy and Bugs

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