Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Can you believe this?

Me and Bugs wented to see our Vet, Dr. Caldwell last week for me yearly checkup. Bugs only had to get hims Bordatello squirt in hims nose and me had to have that and a rabies shot. This is a good thing cause thems found a coyote in Colorado who attacked an old lady on hers porch and bit her and hims had rabies. Mommy says this NOT a good thing to have cause thems will put you down for having it. Anyways the vet visit was okay and Dr. Caldwell said me was really healthy and me teeth was really white but there was one small problem. Me is FAT!!! Me weighs 106 #'s and hers said that even though me daddy weighed in at 125# she didn't want me to be over 95#. Now you all has seen tha pictures of me, do you thinks me is fat??? Mommy says me is a stocky boy and all muscles but that me butt is pretty wide. Hurmphuf, me is not fat nor does me have a wide load in tha back. Dr. Caldwell says me has to go on a diet. This means me has to have carrots and peas added to me breakfast and dinner to make up the rest of me dinner. Me does NOT like carrots or peas. Mommy cooks them in chicken broth to make thems taste better and trick me into eating them. Patuee!!! Me does not like thems at all but me has to eat them.

The good news is Aunty Margert camed to visit from TX over the weekend. Tha last times her came to visit us was when me was a puppy two years ago. Bugs hogged all of hers attention cause hims had never met her before. Mommy says hers might come back in July for Daddy's Heinz 57 birthday party.

Murphy, who hates vegetables


Anonymous said...

hi murphys - this is your cozin hank. i'm glad that my mommie got to see you and bugs this weekend, but i really missed her. she says that we might get a chance to meet one day - i think that would be totally awesome dude. i didn't know i had cousins. killer.

see you on the upside
hanky spanky

Cassie said...

Hi derMurph!

Sowwy dat vet purson sed yu hab to go on a diet. I had to go on one wast year, too, caws I waz at the top ob de wate dat de vet purson tot I shud be. I dunt eat peaz and karrotz, eder, but I getz no-fat yogurt or a widdle cottage cheeze or sum pumpkin mixed wif my kibble.

Gwad to heer dat yu hab some TX welatives--we Texanz are pwetty gud peeple!!