Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mommy's Heinz 57

We is back from Mommy's birthday trip and boy did we have a really good time!!! We stayed at this really cool cabin in tha mountains of Southern Colorado. Remember me told you it was a dog friendly cabin, well it can't get much dog friendlier than this. This place was so friendly that me and Bugs just felt right at home and sacked out on tha couch to take a nap.

In fact that's pretty much all we did was nap on Friday afternoon. It's hard on dogs having to be good on a trip and it sure wore us out. A puppy can never get to much rest. You neber know when you is going to have to defend your peoples for wild critters.

Bugs got lots of rest too that first evening. Although some of it hims rest was on tha floor cause me didn't want to share tha couch all of tha times with hims.

The only thing wrong with this cabin was there was no soft place to sleep at night when Mommy and Daddy went to bed. You can see from this picture that the floors was hard and our little beds was at home. Me and Bugs fixed this cause we eased into tha bed with Mommy to sleep and her let us too but first she had to be sure we was going to be good and not growl at Daddy in tha morning. We promised to be really good if hers would let us sleep with her this one time.

On Saturday we got into tha car and drove around looking at all of tha things to see. We went one place back off of tha road and there was some cows. Bugs and me had never seen cows before and there was some staring start at us. Bugs didn't like thems to much and barked at them. Of course we was safe from them cause we was in that car and that made Bugs a lot braver than if hims had been outside with them ole cows. Me and Bugs was real disappointed we didn't see no bears or lions. We heard Mommy and Daddy talking about us not going outside at night without them cause we was in bear country and all kinds of critters showed up at night. We didn't even smell none although Bugs swore that's what hims sniffed on tha deck. Me is pretty sure it was them dogs that came and visited every day from the people who owned tha cabin.

This weekend we is going camping for probably tha last time this year and we is taking tha new house on wheels too!!! We can't wait cause that one does have a bed me and Bugs can sleep in together if me lets him.


1 comment:

Cassie said...

Happy birfday to your mommy! Wow, it sowndz wike yu guyz sure had a gud time on dat Heinz 57 twip!!

Mommie n me wub weading bowt yur adventurez n seeing de piktures dat yur mommie shares.
