Saturday, November 03, 2007

Our Peoples went to TX and left us with a dog sitter!

Yep, the humans tooked off to TX to see Auntie Margaret and Uncle Bob and lefted us at home with dog sitters. This wasn't really to bad cause me and Bugs got to stay in our own house and sleep in our own beds. The bestest part was we had some nice people who stayed with us and tooked berry good care of us. Mike even stayed with us some during tha day so we was hardly lonely at all, but we did miss our peoples a lot. Julia was great cause she was short and down to our level. We could get right in her face and give her kisses. We was good boys though cause thems knew our commands and would use them if we got to unruly. Julia even told Mommy what good boys we was and how well behaved we was. If we has to be lefted behind this is tha way to do it! No kennels or doggie hotels, nope just stay in tha comfort of our own house with all of our things is tha only way to go.

Thems even brought thems dog Sahara over to play with us! Sahara is BEAUTIFUL too!!! Me has decided that Sahara is me girlfriend cause me is the oldest dog and should have a girlfriend. Bugs is still a baby and don't know nothing about girls even though hims tried to steal her attention away for me. Anyway Sahara is an Austrailian Shepard and is marked kinda like Bugs, which is probably why hims thought she would be hims girlfriend. WRONG! The only problem is our sitters only broughted her over to play once and me wanted to see her every day after me met her. That's how it is when you is in puppy love. Maybe now that our peoples is back Sahara can come over and play again.

Murphy who is love struck!

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