Thursday, August 13, 2009

Going to have a birthday party!!!

Monday is Bugz E Doodle esq's birfday. Himz will be 3 years old. Me can't believe it!!! That little pest will be 3 years old. This means we iz going to have a birfday party with all tha trimingz. Me hopez Mommy rememberz to invite cousin Hank to come and help me and Bugz celebrate. Me iz looking forward to tha cheeseburgerz and ice cream Mommy and Daddy iz going to get for us at McDonaldz. If we iz lucky we is both going to get new toyz. Only problem iz ole Bugz wantz me new toy az well as himz new toy. You would think having one new toy would be enough but nooo, not Bugz. Himz is one greedy dog, not like himz big brother, me, at all.

Now me must go look at tha calendar and count how many dayz it iz til Monday.


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