Monday, September 07, 2009


Twice this weekend me haz managed to get out tha front door when Daddy openned it and chased wabbits down tha street!!! Me had no idea how fast them little wascally critterz are, and themz zips and divez all ober tha place. Both timez themz ran and hide at tha last house on tha street. Me is sure Daddy waz glad of that cause if themz had run into the ball field, Daddy wouldn't have been able to lure me back with tha promise of a car ride. Yep, both timez me went after tha ole wabbit, Daddy and Mommy got me attention but asking me if me wanted to go for a ride......and me fell for it both timez. Now me is a much smarter boxer pup than that and for tha most part me iz smarter than me peoplesz but when themz mentionz "ride" me forgetz it could be a trick and comez running back home az fast az me me boxer legz can run. And why shouldn't me, tha car door iz open and waiting for me to jump in, then Mommy reachez into tha car and leadz me back into tha house. Next time me isn't going to fall for that trick and me iz going to catch that wascally wabbit too!



Maxmom said...

Hey Murphy
You react to rabbits the way we react to Cats.
We'll be your cheer leaders, for sure!!!
Lots of licks

bbes tribe said...

Wabbit chasing.... Fast little critters! Sounds like you are pretty fast too.
Lots of Wags
Ernie & Sasha