Sunday, January 29, 2006

Training Opportunity

Mommy and Daddy was so excited cause thems had two different training opportunities yesterday. This is what happened.

First off Daddy's two legged sister, niece and mommy came over to visit and to pickup up a puter that Daddy and gotten for his niece Sally. Sally has always been scared of me cause me likes to jump on her and like her face to say hello. Now me thinks that it's really that daddy's sister Francie is tha one that is scared of me and hers is sending those scared signals to Sally. Daddy's mommy isn't scared of me and hers is an old lady. Anyway, when thems came in Mommy had me on the leash but hers would say "Wait Murphy" and a little vibrate would tap me on tha neck and me would sit down by mommy. Me would forget and try to go jump on thems and again "Wait Murphy" and a little tap tap tap on my neck. Oh yeah, me is supposed to sit down and let everybody come inside. This happened a couple more times and guess what? Me got it and sat there like a good boy and waited to go up to each of tha company and sniff them politely and get petted. This was pretty nice since no body was yelling at me and everyone was say "what a good boy Murphy is" "hims is being to good" This made me feel really good since me knows it made mommy and daddy proud.

The 2nd opportunity came when some friends came over to brew Mead with Daddy. Mommy again put me on the leash and when them peoples came in tha door her said "wait Murphy" tap tap tap and me went over and sat by Mommy. This time hers took the leash off of me cause these peoples know how to deal with dogs and thems wasn't scared of me. When me went to jump up on Dan to get petted, mommy said "off Murphy" tap tap tap and me got down and waited for Dan to reach down and pet me. Again nobody was yelling at me to get down or trying to drag me off by me collar. In fact tha whole time thems was here me was a really good boy and didn't jump on nobody. This meant me could be in tha kitchen with thems and be the inspector puppy that is me job. Okay so maybe me is getting the idea that jumping on people isn't polite puppy behavior and that me can get lots more pets from tha company if me sits and waits for it.

For everybody that's wondering, the vibrating doesn't hurt me at all. It sort of startles me and gets me attention so me listens to what mommy and daddy is asking me to do. Me gets so excited when we have company that me tunes out what thems is asking me to do.

Murphy (who is thinking this through --- no jumping up on peoples means more pets.)

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