Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Driver's Licenses

Mommy found a web site that gives dogs drivers licenses and thems doesn't even have to be 16 years old, read, pass a test or nothing. Hers says if me is really good and learns how to be trained then her will get me a drivers licenses.

This is the problem. Me tries really hard to be a good puppy and be trained to not jump on peoples but me gets so excited that me forgets to be a trained puppy. Like when we have company. It's the puppy's job to go meet and greet everybody. Me has to jump up to see who it is cause otherwise all me see is a row of knees. When that happens me has to go sniffing all them knees to figure out who tha company is. Then once me knows who tha company is me has to give them all big wet puppy kisses. This is the only polite thing to do.

The other thing Mommy wants me to be trained not to do is jump on her when we is outside playing. Mommy doesn't understand that part of being a boxer is running and jumping as high as me can in tha air. Me can't help it if her happens to be standing right there when me runs by and jumps up in tha air.

Getting this drivers licenses is going to be complicated. Me is going to be a year old a month from today. Me better get busy and be trained. We is going to training class tomorrow night so me will find out what else this training is all about and see if me can do it. Mommy and Daddy both say thems see some improvement in me behavior.

Murphy who wants a drivers licenses for hims birthday.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

Deer Murphee,
Plez letz me knowz how de twaining goez. My mommie and daddier tinking bout getting sum of dat, too.
