Saturday, February 04, 2006

New Top Dog

There is a new top dog at me house and it isn't yours truly. This is how it happened.

We went to the Training Man's place for some more private training. This was the owner of the training place and hims name is Dave. Him also had another man there from a far away place in Canada. Hims name is Buck (sounds like a dogs name to me) and hims trains police dogs. Thems both said me was a lot of dog. Well of course me is a lot of dog! Me is a Boxer and an American Bulldog too. Don't let this sweet Boxer disposition full you. Me can be just as hard headed and stubborn as a bulldog when me wants to be. And me wants to be when it comes to training. Me is proud to say that them mens said me was going to be a special case. And to train me, thems was going to have to make it personal? Whatever that means.

Thems worked with me walking on tha leash without pulling in all directions and sitting down when told to. Thems also wanted me to sit when there was distractions like this Buck man running by me and coming to pet me. Well for goodness sakes, a dog is suppose to show interest in them kinds of things and it's only polite to get up and go greet the person who wants to pet you isn't it? NOPE, this is not what a "good" dog is supposed to do. Me found out that me is suppose to sit there and pretend that nothing of interest is happening around me. Now how silly is this??? After awhile me got tired of Dave yanking on me leash and me went along with tha program. Unfortunately Dave is really smart and him said me had this attitude of "bring it on" and again him said me is a lot of dog. Me is very proud of that. Go ahead trainer man, make it personal.

After a while thems had Mommy and Daddy leading me around and making me sit and all that polite doggie stuff. Me went along and figured when we gots home me would just go back to being in charge of everything, just like a dog's suppose to be. NOPE this is not what happenend and this is where tha new top dog comes into tha story.

While Dave was working with Daddy, the man with tha dog name Buck was talking to Mommy and this was not a good thing. Hims told her that her and Daddy had to reestablish who was the alpha dogs in the pack at thems house. To do this Buck said thems had to make me wait to go up/down stairs, in/out doors until after thems did, thems was to put me in me crate while thems ated their dinner and then feed me, not let me up on tha couch with them. Hims didn't even want them to let me sleep on me little bed by Mommy's side of tha bed on tha floor for awhile.
Hims said me was getting to bossy and pushy and that was a dominance sign. Well guess what? Mommy and Daddy took me home and started doing what this man with tha dog name suggested. That is everything but not letting me sleep beside Mommy on tha floor. Her said that as the Alpha dogs in tha house thems already has the best place to sleep and it's up higher than mine. Mommy is now making me wait at tha top or bottom of tha stairs and at doors for hers to go first. Hers making me sit in tha crate while thems eats first and her;s making me lay on tha floor and not on tha couch while hers is there. HUMP!!! Me went and sat in me crate and gave her me best "sad dog" face and it didn't even work. Me is now being a gentledog and letting her go first, but only cause her insists.

Daddy isn't so strict so me thinks me likes him better right now.

Murphy the newly polite and gentle dog

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