Saturday, March 11, 2006

Another Saturday Morning

Whoo hoo, it's Saturday again and me got Mommy up at 6:15 in tha morning. Hers wasn't real happy about that but hers went to bed early last night so me thought her could get up early. The hard part was getting her to understand that me wanted to go for a walk right away. Now you would think that if you had an extremely hyper puppy bouncing off of tha walls that you would know this puppy needs some exercise. Nope, not Mommy, hers wanted to go sit at her computer first and drink her coffee. Meanwhile this little boxer puppy was waiting impatiently to go for a walk. Do you know what hers and Daddy's excuse was for not taking me for a walk? It was becasuse it was to cold outside.

Mommy and Daddy decided to leave me, poor little Murphy puppy, alone on Saturday morning and go for breakfast and then go shopping. Thems left me to guard the house cause them digging mens was coming back. When thems got home, Mommy took me for a walk. We passed a house with some squeaky toy dogs (sorry Frogknot but them little dogs sure do squeak a lot) and me wanted to go see what thems was squeaking about but Mommy said that me had to pay attention to her. How in tha wide wide world of Boxer puppies is me going to figger out what them squeaky dogs is all about if me has to all the time pay attention to Mommy. Her still doesn't get it. Me knows what hers looks like and me pays attention to her when me wants to.

After we got home them digging men wanted to show Mommy and Daddy about this new sprinkler system thems had installed. Ya know this could be a lot of fun. The sprinkler thingys
pop up out of tha ground and squirts water all over the yard. Me could have the biggest time chasing them in the summer time. Me will keep you updated on how this new adventure turns out.

Then do you know what happen? Some mens showed up to deliver a new refridgerator. That's what Mommy and Daddy had been shopping for. Me got put in me crate to kee me out of tha way and so me would scare anybody else. Me tried to help Mommy put things in the new refridgerator but hers kept saying get out of the way Murphy. So now we have a brand new refrigerator for Mommy to store left overs that wind up in me food. Yummy.

Now me and Mommy is snuggled up on the luv seat. Mommy loves it when me puts me big ole head on her shoulder so that is what me is doing.


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