Friday, March 10, 2006

A slow week here at the Murphy Household

There wasn't a whole lot going on this week. Me chewed up the indestructible ball by Sunday evening (and Mommy thought me couldn't do it) Then because me didn't have anything else to do me chewed up the blanket in me crate. That's the 2nd one in a week and Mommy wasn't happy about it. Hers even took out what was left to throw away and didn't put anything back.

On Wednesday some men came to the house and was digging a really big hole in tha front yard. Me was really worried that Mommy was going to blame me for it cause me has a hole the me digs up in the back yard. Lucky for me, Mommy saw them mens digging and me didn't' get blamed. Her did have to pick up the garbage thems left laying around and hers wasn't to happy about that.

It snowed on Wednesday night and them men couldn't come back to work but thems came back today and me had a really big time with them. This is what happened. Daddy forgotted that them mens had taken the gate down and let me out into the back yard. Hims didn't realize that there was of them hole digging men out there but me did!!! Me went bounding up to say a friendly boxer hello and scared that poor digging man half to death. Him was so scared of me that him jumped over the 6 foot fence to get away. Me thought that was pretty darn funny and me is still laughing about that one. Then me noticed that there was an escape route to the front yard and off me trotted to see what them digging men was doing in the front yard. The man that jumped the fence asked Daddy if me was friendly cause hims jumped the fence to get away from me. Them silly digging mens, just cause me is a big boxer puppy doesn't mean me is a mean boxer puppy. It was pretty funny to see him jump over that fence though.

Them is suppose to come back tomorrow to finish digging. Mommy says them is putting a sprinkler system in. Me isn't sure what that is but Mommy seems to think that even though it isn't for me, that I will have a really good time with it this summer.

Time to go vault through the air and put all 90 pounds of me on Daddy's lay


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