Tuesday, March 21, 2006

This is tha question

If it is Spring time here in tha Rockies why is it snowing again???? This is what this little boxer puppy wants to know. It snowed on Sunday and then it snowed again yesterday, the very first day of Spring and now it's snowing again. Mommy let me go outside just a little while ago and what do you think me noticed tha very first thing?? SNOW!!! There is snow falling down out of tha sky again to night. If this keeps up me will never get to go on a walk again. Me doesn't think me likes Spring to much if this is what it's going to be like. In fact Winter was much nicer and me thinks me likes it a whole lot better.


1 comment:

Cassie said...

Hey, Murph! It duzn't luk likez spwingtimez to mee eder wid all dat snow on dat gwound! Itz coldz heer in Texas for spwingtime, 46 degwees dis morning. Whatz up wid dis wether anywayz?

Stayz warm!
