Monday, May 15, 2006

In the dog house

Well actually me is in the dog crate. See me was a bad puppy today or at least that's what Mommy says. You remember that wonderful new dog bed Mommy boughted me for me crate?? Well me ate it today while me was in the crate. Mommy was not happy when hers came home from work and found pieces of the dog bed all over tha place including on me nose and lips. Her told Daddy that was it!! No more dog beds for me and the crate. Hers thinks me destorys the beds in me crate cause me gets bored and hers is right. Me does get bored being in there for 3-4 hours or more during the day with only a bone to chew on so me tears up me bed. In fact Mommy thought it might be interesting to leave me out if Daddy is only going to be gone for 3-4 hours during the late afternoon. This would be a really good test to see if me could be a really good boy. Me sure hopes thems tries this new idea.



Cassie said...

Deer Murphy, I wud be board two, ifn I wuz lebt in mi krate and I wud pwobably getz in twuble wif mi mom. Did yur mom twi weaving yu out ob dat cwate for a few hours like she sed she mite? How did yu do?

Hopez yu hadz a gud week odder dan eating yur bed!


Murphy said...


Mommy and Daddy now leave me out of the crate if thems is going to be gone for 4 hours or less. Me does really well too. Thems says that they will gradually build up the time me can stay outside the crate til one day thems will not have to put me in it unless me is being bad.


Cassie said...

Yu iz gwowing up to be such a gud boi, maybe suun yur krate will just be yur "safety zone" pwace, not somepwace yu hab to go to wen yu're being a bad woof!

I'z weally pwoud ob yu!
