Sunday, June 18, 2006

Me is a really bonefide full grown dog for sure. Me knows this cause me has not been crated for 3 weeks. The only time me has to go into the crate now is if me is being a bad dog or gets to excited. Of course this means me has new responsibilities as a grownup dog. Me is now really responsible for being a guard dog while Mommy and Daddy is away from the house. Most of the time this is not a problem cause me likes to sit on me ottoman in tha living room and look out the picture window. It's been really hot and when it gets really hot me gets really sleepy and has to take naps all throughout tha day even when me is on guard duty.

Yesterday Mommy and Daddy wented out to see a moobee and left me to guard the house. This was okay cause me likes to gurad the house but it is really hard work and it was getting really warm in tha house and it made me sleepy. So me decided to take a little break (thats what ya do when you works, ya take breaks) and go lay on tha love seat in that den where it was really cool and dark. Me knows me hadn't been napping very long but sure enough while me was all curled up and comfy on tha love seat in walks Mommy and Daddy.

Mommy is used to me meeting hers at the top of the stairs when hers comes in through tha garage door. Not me didn't greet her. Mommy went into that living room and looked, no Murphy. Hers went up stairs and looked, no Murphy. Hers asked Daddy "wheres Murphy". This whole time me was curled up on tha love seat snoozing. Hers came back into tha den and saw me in tha dark and said "MURPHY you is suppose to be gurading the house!" Me woked up and saw her there and me had to hang me head cause me had been busted. Sleeping on tha job. Me was worried hers would bust me down the ranks from House Dog First Class to House Dog in tha Dog House Class.

Hers didn't bust me down tha ranks. Nope not me Mommy. Hers gave me another chance today when hers and Daddy went out to run errands and me went to tha ottoman in tha living room and put me nose on tha window and watched for burglars just like a gurad dog should.


1 comment:

Cassie said...

Wat a gud gard dog you are! I knowz yur momma and daddy are so pwoud ob der big boxer puppy.

I knowz wat yu mean aboutz taking dem breaks when you getz hot. I duz dat too, and I've been busted before.

I may not be as big as yu, but I'm a gud gard dog, too. I sound lotz bigger dan an 18 lb corn terror if someone wud hear me barking fwom de outside!
