Hi Eberybody!!! Me is back from me very first camping trip. Mommy thought it would be funny to have tha first picture of tha camping trip showing me with a vodka bottle. Hers said it would look like me was drinking Mangotini's like eberybody else. Only thing is, this is just a picture. Me didn't get no Mangotinis. Mommy is just pretending.
Camping is lots and lots of fun except when it's raining. You gets to lay in tha camp chairs and eat all of tha lefted over food that your peoples and thems friends don't eat. The very bestest part of camping is when me peoples letted me off of me leash and chain and let me roam around free. Me chased squirrels, chimpmunks and crickets. Me did discover there is one thing me is a little be afraid of and that's when tha wind gets up and blows tha plastic thing over tha camp up and down. It makes a horrible sound that really scared me.
Mommy and Daddy tooked me for lots of long walks and me made new friends. Thems even would come to get me and take me for walks. Mommy said me had me very own fan club. This is a picture of them.
Me even learned about swiming in a lake and fetching sticks from tha water. Did you know you can lap and lap and lap and you just can't drink all of tha water in a lake?
There's lots more to tell, but me has to go sniff tha back yard so tha rest of tha story will have to wait.
Her der Murphy, it wukz wike yu had wotz ob fun on dat kamping twip!! Yu sure made wotz ob fwiendz. Didja hab fun swimming in dat wake? We wuk foward to seeing more pikturez of yur twip.
Yur fwiend,
As soon as Mommy gets time her will put the pictures out on a website and post that link to it.
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