Sunday, October 29, 2006

Estes Park

WE just got home from our weekend trip. Yep, me said we cause Mommy and Daddy tooked me along with them. Me was a little bit worried on Friday morninig when me saw thems suitcases and stuff coming downstairs and being put in tha living room. That stuff usually signals that thems is going away and me is going to tha kennel. Not this time, Me got to go too.

We all tooked off in tha truck, with me in the little space behind Mommy and Daddy. It was a tight fit but me didn't complain at all. Mommy even opened tha tiny little windows back there so me could sniff all tha new smells coming out way. We was going to a new place in tha mountains called Estes Park. Mommy says it's her favorite mountain town in Colorado. We was going to stay in a cabin that allow peoples to bring thems dogs. Only thing was tha dogs couldn't redecorate tha cabins. This is our cabin. Me wasn't real sure about this cause me could smell other dogs had been there and Mommy and Daddy was scared me would want to "mark" me territory.

Me peoples broughted me own little bed, toys and dishes so me would feel more comfortable. The only problem was the cabin was really tiny and close to tha road. There was no really safe place to take me for walks. Of course me peoples is very, very smart (that's the reason me chose them) and decided that maybe me would like to go for a ride into tha Rocky Mountain National Park and looks for Elks.

Tha ranger said for us to be careful and look out for Coyotes cause thems liked to stalk dogs. Mommy figgered me would think thems was just another dog and want to play so hers said not to worry thems would keep me on tha leash and close to thems.

Can you believe how deep this snow is? We was on Trail Ridge Road and couldn't go no farther cause thems had the road closed because of tha snow. If it was this deep all tha way up then we would have been covered up for sure. Me isn't no St Benard or Great Pyrnees so me wouldn't have been able to rescue me peoples from this stuff.

This is tha end of tha road. Me knows it's so cause the sign says Road Closed. Of course Mommy was being funny and snapped me picture while me was marking some snow. Well you just never know what other dog might come along and think that was hims clump of snow.

We didn't see no Elks in that park but there was some deers. Me was in tha truck when we saw thems. There was lots of Elk in Estes Park wandering around but Mommy didn't take pictures cause hers has lots of pictures of Elks from other trips to there.

After tha park we wented into Estes Park and walked around. Me was a very, very good boxer too!!. Me walked along the sidewalk with me peoples just as polite as you please. Me even did some window shopping. Mommy thought this was very funny cause me would stand up on me back feets and look into store windows. There was lots of peoples too and thems all wanted to pet me and tell me how handsome me was. The only thing me didn't like was the chriping noise that was going on every time we wanted to cross tha streets. We went back to tha cabin and me and Daddy tooked a nap cause we was really tired.

Mommy has added tha pictures to if you wants to see them all.



bay said...

Looks like you guys had a great trip!! Did you see Santa anywhere?


Murphy said...

Me didn't see Santa but me is pretty sure me saw reindeers so hims must have been around somewheres.

Cassie said...

What a good boy yu were! I am shure dat Santa waz keeping an eye out and he knowz dat. Wubz, Cassie