Sunday, October 15, 2006

Left behind

This morning me had to wake Mommy up cause hers was sleeping late and it was time to get up. Me did this by sticking me wet boxer nose on her nose. Hers tried to push me away but me just kept on putting me wet boxer nose on her nose and her had to get up. Me thought her realized it was time to take this puppy for a nice long walk, but no hers and Daddy sat and drinked thems coffee and rustled newspapers around.

Then Daddy wanted to go out to breakfast and thems got dressed. Me got real excieted cause wanted to go have breakfast too and me was hoping thems would take me with them. Me raced up and down them stairs, placing meself right where thems would be able to see me and take me with them. Me didn't want them to forget me but you know what??? Thems made me go sit on me ottoman by tha libing room window and said for me to wait. Well when thems does that me has to wait there until them tells me to come and that's when me got lefted behind. There is times when being a well trained boxer puppy is not a good thing.

When thems finally came home from having breakfast where was this little boxer puppy??? Hims was sitting on hims ottoman waiting like a good boy, just like Mommy said. Finally hers and Daddy realized that me wanted to go for a walk and thems gotted me leash and off we went. Sometimes peoples can be so slow to get the message we dogs is trying to give them!!!


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