Saturday, October 21, 2006

Mommy's Day Off

Me loves it when Mommy takes the day off, like hers did yesterday, cause it means hers is going to stay home and play with me. Hers tooked me to me favorite park yesterday, after me worried hers into it, and we had tha bestest time. It was a beautiful fall day and me runned all over tha place to sniff all the smells. Me likes going during tha week cause there isn't so many dogs to meet .

Me made a new friend too. Hims was a puppy like me only BIGGER. Mommy said hims was a Neapolitan Mastiff. Hers even took pictures of us introducing ourselves to each other and playing together. See how big hims is! Hims makes me look little. Mommy said that this dog had some growing to do and more weight to gain.

Hims played like a boxer though cause hims was a rough as me and we had tha bestest time till Mommy said it was time to go.

It snowed last night so maybe we can go to tha park again today. Me is sure the smells will be different today. Hint hint


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