Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Taking Bugs to tha vet

Bugs has been with us for 5 days now and hims is learning lots of things. One of tha things hims learned about last night and today was snow. Bugs is a Texas dawg (that's how hims says dog) and hadn't never seen snow before. Hims thought it was big fun last night but this morning it was really deep and hims didn't like having to go potty in tha deep snow. Me don't blame him much cause me don't like it much either and me is much taller than hims is. Mommy even went outside and shoveled him a place to go but Bugs thinks this cold snowy weather if for tha birds or tha very least long haired dogs like huskys. Another thing him learned is to use the dog door and go outside when hims needs to potty even with all that deep snow on tha ground. Mommy and Daddy was very proud of him. Of course hims is just copying me his big brudder.

Me helped Mommy and Daddy take tha little doddle bug to tha vet tonight for a wellness checkup. My vet thought hims was a cute little fellow and said me was doing a really good job of putting him in his place when gets to bossy. Tha only thing was that hims got a lot of treats so hims would take hims pills and me only got a tiny itty bitty treat. We both got drops in our noses for kennel cough cause we is going to stay with tha vet this weekend. Bugs behaved himself like a good little boy just like me. Dr Morton thinks we is really good boys. So how come if me is such a good boy Bugs got more treats than me???


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