Saturday, January 06, 2007

We is in trouble!!

It wasn't even 7:00 am this morning and already the little Bugbite was in trouble and hims got me in trouble too!!! Mommy was still in bed asleep (human mistake #1) and Daddy was in hims office reading e-mail (human mistake #2) and we, that would be me and Bugs, was left to our own devices. Before Bugs came to live with us when Mommy wanted to sleep in on the weekends me would just sleep on me little bed right beside her. All that's changed now cause of a Bugsydoodle puppy. Hims likes to get up a lot earlier and that wakes me up. That's exactly what happened this morning too! Just like that we was up and playing and it happened.

Mommy's new shirt was laying on the end of her bed along with her flannel pants. Just laying there minding it's own business, not doing nothing and then Bugs got this brillant Great Dane puppy idea. Hims thought it would be fun to play tug-o-war with that new shirt. Me, being a Boxer who is older and wiser than Bugs, knew this was a very bad idea. This is not something me would have done by meself and me told Bugs it wasn't a good idea too. Bugs just laughed at me and said "Murphy do ya want to play? Huh, huh, huh, huh?" and hims grabbed that shirt off the end of the bed in hims sharp little teeth and runned with it down the stairs.

Well what was me suppose to do? Me had to chase him and try to get back Mommy's new shirt. After all me is a really good Boxer. Bugs ran through the dog door with that shirt flapping out of hims mouth and out into the snow hims went. Me was hot on hims tail and caught him too. Well actually me got hold of the shirt that was trailing behind him and that's when it happened. We started to play tug-o-war with that shirt. Bugs was laughing and having such fun me forgot me was suppose to be rescuing tha shirt and started having fun too.

We ran all over tha back yard with that shirt and pulled back and forth on it and, rip. Uh oh we's done it now!! Me thought that maybe if we just sort of left it laying in tha snow and went back inside that maybe, just maybe, Mommy would think hers left it outside. Well she might have ya know. Peoples do silly things sometimes and this could have been one of them times. We runned back inside and straight into tha bedroom and Mommy was still sleeping. This was good. Me took up me position beside the bed with me head right next to her face and sniffed to be sure her was still sleeping. Bugs had to jump up on tha bed and sniff to and this is what woke her up.

Mommy got up and started looking for her clothes that had been on the end of tha bed. Hers found her flannel pants but no shirt. And do you know what she did? Hers put on her flannel pants and robe and went right down tha stairs and to tha back door and looked out and saw her new shirt laying in tha snow. And then hers went and got her shoes on and went outside and picked up her shirt and saw the holes in it. Me don't think we fooled her into thinking hers left it outside cause her started fussing right away at me and Bugs. Her had to throw tha shirt away and her is not at all happy with us either. Me thinks we might be grounded for tha weekend too.


1 comment:

Cassie said...

Uhhhhhohhhhhhh, I betz yu n de bugsmeister are gwounded for a wong time, maybe a hole day for dis tingie!

Gudness, yu kan't let dat bugsy getz yu in twouble wike dat, yur de big bwudder.

Hopez yu getz owt of detention sun.

Yur fwiend,