Saturday, January 20, 2007

Cabin Fever

Me and the Doodle Bug has had cabin fever really, really, really bad over tha last month!!! Every weekend since Christmas it's snowed and Mommy says there's supposed to be more snow this weekend. Us dogs is going stir crazy cause of it too. Mommy finally said enough and put our harnesses/leashes on us, put us and Daddy in tha car and headed to Bear Creek Park. This is not typically an off leash park but today, cause there is so much snow, we gots to run around all over tha place off of our leashes. Me and Bugs really needed this too!!! We runned and sniffed and runned and sniffed and it was fun! Maybe tomorrow if it don't snow a lot we can go again. We miss going for our walks.


PS Bugs will have been living with us for two months on Friday. On Thursday hims is getting fixed. Me doesn't know what's broke on him, but me peoples is getting him fixed anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.