Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bugs at tha keyboard

Hi Ya'll, this here is the Bugsadoodle pawing at tha keyboard. Murphy is snoozing and snoring on the sofa so me thought it would be fun to post on hims blog. First off me wants to say that little ole me is NOT tha rogue my bubba Murphy is trying to make me out to be. Murphy just wants everybody to think hims is the good puppy and me is tha bad puppy. Hims even tells me that our peoples is going to take me back to Texas cause me is so bad. Of course me knows better cause me knows Mommy and Daddy loves me cause me is sooooo cute. Besides Mommy calls me hers "little man" so hers wouldn't dream of taking me back to Texas.

And me doesn't steal things either. Me just likes to have things that belongs to Mommy and Daddy with me all of tha times. That's why me carries out the Mommy's clogs, her glasses, her little elephant trinket and a wine glass as well as Daddy's retard sleeper, hims belt, shoe and socks. Besides thems looks pretty sitting around tha yard. The only problem is that Mommy keeps going outside and bring all tha stuff back inside and putting it back where it belongs. Of course then me has to go find new things to exterior decorate with. Me is hoping some day that Southern Doghouse Living will want to come do a whole big spread on how well me can exterior decorate.

So this here is me story and me is sticking to it.


1 comment:

Cassie said...

Hey Bugz, I knowz yur mommy and daddy wubz yu way too much to eber bwing yu back to TX. Yur such a cutie, and yu spice up dere lives too much to eber want to bwing yu back.

I say, keep up your exterior dekorating skills, caws yu neber know when dey will come in handy!!

Happy Valentine's Day to you and yur big brudder, too!

Your fwiend,